
Girl smiling towards the camera
Bachelor's programmes
Master's programmes
PhD programmes
Current Horizon 2020/Europa projects
Current Research Council of Norway projects
PhD candidates (2022)
OsloMet Centres of Research Excellence

What's new at OsloMet

MSCA fellows to OsloMet

Three researchers at OsloMet have been awarded a research fellow through the EU's prestigious mobility programme Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). Two more researchers are on the waiting list.

Building in yellow and black with OsloMet logo
OsloMet stands in solidarity with victims of war

OsloMet condemns the horrifying acts of war inflicted upon the civilian population in Palestine.

Close up of OsloMet building with the sign "Oslo Metropolitan University", partly covered by a tree.
Expanding knowledge about Ukraine through research and academic collaboration

OsloMet is home to some of Norway's leading experts on Ukraine. With the country under full-scale attack from Russia, their research, knowledge of the region, and collaborations with other Ukraine scholars have never been so important.

Bombed out building at the Kharkiv Karazin University