OsloMet has since 2016 held the HR Excellence in Research award given only to institutions that follows the 40 EU principles for the Charter and Code, the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
OsloMet is one of more than 700 institutions worldwide that are currently holding the HR Strategy for Researchers – HRS4R award (euraxess.ec.europa.eu), while a total of 1500 organizations have endorsed the Charter & Code principles and are at different stages of implementing the award.
The Charter and Code (euraxess.ec.europa.eu) was established by the European Commission in 2005 to contribute to the development of the European Research Area (ERA) (research-and-innovation.ec.europa.eu) and create a single, borderless market for research, innovation and technology across the EU.
The award is only given to organizations that adhere to offering attractive and rewarding research career opportunities, employee rights, mobility and work/life balance within the four themes:
- Ethical and professional aspect
- Recruitment and selection
- Working conditions
- Training and development
The key elements in the EU’s policy for researchers’ careers is to ensure that researchers can enjoy the same rights and obligations in any European country.

Governing documents
How can the Charter & Code help you as a researcher coming to OsloMet?
- The implementation of the Charter and Code principles makes OsloMet a more attractive workplace for new researchers.
- As a researcher at OsloMet you can be ensured that you will have good employee rights, be treated fairly and equally and have a good work/life balance.
- You will be offered career opportunities and guidance.
- OsloMet has agreed to ensure an open, transparent and merit based recruitment process.
- It means that we promote mobility and international collaborations.
- You have a local Euraxess service center to assist with your relocation and mobility plans.
What does the Charter & Code mean for OsloMet as an organization?
- The implementation of the Charter and Code principles makes OsloMet a more attractive research partner institution in a research project.
- The HRS4R reward is a quality stamp you can promote when attending seminars and joining in new research projects.
- It gives you access to a large international network of institutions in Europe and across the globe.
- OsloMet can be promoted internationally as a research institution with good working conditions.
- OsloMet has a contact point for the EU job portal Euraxess, hosted by the Norwegian Research Council and is part of a national, Nordic and European network of universities and research organizations. OsloMet is one of 12 Euraxess service centers available in Norway, all holding the HR Center of Excellence award.
OsloMet HRS4R Task Force
The “OsloMet HRS4R Task Force” has been led by the HR department with members from the Research department and research staff in cooperation with top management.
Our stakeholders includes the Pro-rector research and development, Pro-rector for social impact and collaboration, Faculty Director, Department of Research and Development, HR Director as well as researchers and academic staff who has provided valuable input and commented on the reports.
We have communicated the action points and principles through our website, in research forums, through on-boarding meetings with new, international academic staff and in a number of directed communication channels.
In addition the action plan and HRS4R processes have been acknowledged by our top management as an important part of the university strategy plan for 2050 for increasing internationalization and doing so in a safe and professional manner.
Implementation of the HRS4R at OsloMet
The Charter provides a set of 40 general principles and requirements which specifies the roles, responsibilities and entitlements of researchers as well as of employers and/or funders of researchers.
The Code promotes open and transparent recruitment and appraisal procedures.
Norwegian legislation, OsloMet practice comply with the 40 recommended principles in the Charter & Code concerning the responsibilities and obligations of researchers and their employers in relation to the four areas in HRS4R.
The implementation of the Charter & Code principles by OsloMet shows that we have taken actions to become more attractive to international researchers looking for a new employer and as a host for research projects.
OsloMet policies and resources
- Diversity and inclusion – gender equality
- Competence development and mobility (ansatt.oslomet.no)
- Employee participation (ansatt.oslomet.no)
- International recruitment (ansatt.oslomet.no)
- Work for us
- Competence and learning – The OsloMet Academy (ansatt.oslomet.no)