Public defence: Øystein Winje

Øystein Winje will defend his thesis: “The grass is greener outdoors. Potentials for deep learning in Norwegian uteskole” for the degree of PhD in Educational Sciences for Teacher Education.

Trial Lecture

The trial lecture starts at 10:00. Please do not enter the room after the lecture has begun.

Title: "Is the concept of Norwegian uteskole based primarily on ‘whiteness’? Use critical multi-cultural perspectives based on difference to explore what such perspectives might contribute to uteskole in both theory and practice.”

Public defense

The candidate will defend his thesis at 12:00. Please do not enter the room after the defense has begun.

Title of the thesis: The grass is greener outdoors. Potentials for deep learning in Norwegian uteskole.

The defence is also available via zoom

Join the webinar (

Passcode: 161222

Webinar ID: 680 5958 1386

Ordinary opponents

Leader of the public defence

Vice Dean Hanne Skaaden, OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University


Main supervisor: Professor Knut Løndal, OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University

How to oppose ex auditorio

Please inform the leader of the defnse if you wish to oppose ex auditorio during the break, before the second opponent begins.

For questions regarding the trial lecture and public defense, contact the PhD administration at the faculty.

Publication of the approved PhD thesis

Request a copy (PDF) of the PhD thesis by e-mail. Include the name of the PhD candidate.