Norwegian version

Public defence: Torhild Breidlid

Torhild Breidlid will defend her thesis for the PhD programme in Educational Sciences for Teacher Education.

The trial lecture and public defence will also be streamed live via Zoom (

Webinar ID: 633 8235 8614

Passcode: 190924

Title of the trial lecture: "Challenges and possibilities in implementing Scandinavian models for countering and preventing violent extremism, such as the Aarhus model, or pedagogy focused on critical thinking in a Kenyan school setting."

The title of the thesis is "Preventing radicalisation and violent extremism in Kenya: A critical study of the strategies employed by the Kenyan government and Kenyan teachers".

The committee consist of

The leader of the public defence is Finn Aarsæther, Vice-Dean of Education, Faculty of Education and International Studies, OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University.

The main supervisor is Professor Anne Birgitta Nilsen, Department of International Studies and Interpreting, OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University. The co-supervisor is Professor Stig Jarle Hansen, Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).

Contact the PhD administration

Contact the PhD administration via e-mail.