Norwegian version

Public defense: Anette Brogård Antonsen

Anette Brogård Antonsen will defend her thesis "Variables Influencing Remembering in Older Adults and Older Adults with Dementia" for the PhD in Behaviour Analysis.

Zoom link

Zoom link trial lecture and public defense (

Meeting ID: 645 3715 2528

Password: 222

Trial lecture

Time for trial lecture: 15.00 in Zoom.

We ask the audience to enter Zoom 15 minutes prior to commencement of the trial lecture.

Title: Memory versus remembering: Different views of Cognitive Psychology and Behavior Analysis.

Public defense

The candidate will defend her thesis at 16.30 in Zoom.

Ordinary opponents

Leader of the public defense

Head of Studies Christoffer Eilifsen



The studies in this dissertation build on and contribute to the knowledge of remembering with the use of conditional discrimination in older adults and older adults with dementia. Variables affecting responding in older adults and older adults with dementia in the conditional-discrimination procedure have been examined in several studies. However, only a modest number of studies have been published where these findings have been used in applied settings involving patients with dementia.

The focus on using basic research in applied settings involving patients with dementia may contribute to the non-medical treatment of the disease. This dissertation includes four studies. The first study is an experimental study, comparing responding in older adults and younger adults in a conditional-discrimination procedure. The aims were to identify differences between the age groups and to detect the most effective training structure and stimuli presentation when establishing conditional discriminations in older adults.

In the remaining three studies, participants with dementia were presented with individually adjusted conditional discrimination tasks. In Study 2, a participant with dementia was presented with repetitive training sequences of simultaneous matching-to-sample and delayed matching-to-sample 0 s, in order to find out how identity matching responding was affected.

The application of the conditional-discrimination procedure is presented in Studies 3 and 4. The aim of these studies was to identify stimulus control issues in recognizing relatives, re-establishing relations, and maintaining skills over time.

Digital defense information

Due to restrictions and limitations on physical participation, the public defense will be conducted on the zoom digital platform.

Attend the public defense live in Zoom

The link to the digital defense in Zoom is on the top of this page. OsloMet students and employees use OsloMet accounts. Others can download Zoom or use a browser.

How to oppose ex auditorio

Please send your question to the host during the break, before the second opponent begins. Raise your digital hand by clicking on "Participants" at the bottom of the zoom window and choose "Raise Hand" if you would like to voice the question yourself after both opponents have finished their questions. The technical administrator will ask to activate your microphone. Click Yes.

Attend the trial lecture live in Zoom

The link to the trial lecture in Zoom is the same as the public defense. We ask the audience to enter 15 minutes early by clicking the yellow button at the top of this page. You can leave the Webinar and come back or stay in Zoom during the break (30-45 minutes).

Need help to get into Zoom?

About Zoom (

Publication of the approved PhD thesis

Request a copy of the PhD thesis by e-mail. Include the name of the PhD candidate.


Who can answer questions prior to the trial lecture and public defense?