Norwegian version

Previous events at Intelligent health

Intelligent health invites you to events where health and technology are in focus. The events aim to strengthen the research and innovation environment within health and technology at OsloMet, and increase cooperation with private and public sector.


Intelligent health at OsloMet aims to contribute to leading education that meets the needs of society. Through HealthHACK, we want to give students an insight into what working life can look like, and give them new ways of thinking about opportunities after completing their studies.

HealthHACK 2024 in collaboration with The Life Science Cluster

This year, Intelligent Health collaborated with The Life Science Cluster. Aker Biomarine, Calluna Pharma, Arctic Bioscience and Inven2 presented problems that the OsloMet students were to solve over two days. The goal was to create new products, tools or solutions to challenges faced by member companies.

HealthHACK 2023 in collaboration with Lillestrøm and Oslo municipality

HealthHACK 2023 was organized in collaboration with Lillestrøm and Oslo municipality, and brought together students from the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design to solve real and unsolved problems faced by the municipal health service.

The students gained insight into real issues in the municipal health service, and used creative problem solving to find solutions. The solutions were presented in front of a jury at the City Hall in Oslo.

HealthHACK 2022 in collaboration with Sunnaas hospital and Norway Health Tech

HealthHACK 2022 was organized in collaboration with Sunnaas Hospital, Norway Health Tech, Intelligent Health and Master in Entrepreneurship from OsloMet.

During HealthHACK, students at OsloMet worked together across disciplines to find solutions to real problems that Sunnaas Hospital had selected. The aim was to create new products, tools and solutions for patient and operational challenges that Sunnaas Hospital has.

The Intelligent Health conference

The Intelligent Health conference provides an annual update of the latest research in health and technology.

The Intelligent Health conference 2024

We must rethink the health sector and adopt new solutions and AI to ensure good health services in the future. This was pointed out by Truls Vasvik, first deputy chairman of the health and care committee during the Intelligent Health conference.

The conference was a collaboration between Intelligent Health at OsloMet, AHUS and Oslo Cancer Cluster.

Here actors met to share experiences and insights about the use of AI in the prevention and treatment of various diseases. This resulted in discussions around ethical dilemmas linked to the use of AI in the health sector.

List of lectures from the conference

  • Welcome with Carl Thodesen, pro-rector for social impact and collaboration at OsloMet
  • Welcome with Truls Vasvik from Standing Committee on Health and Care Services
  • AI in healthcare and what the future holds with Joan Condell from Ulster University, Northern Ireland
  • Conducting clinical trials with AI by Henrik Schirmer from Akershus University Hospital
  • The role of AI in ECG analysis with Jørgen K. Kanters from University of Copenhagen
  • The Virtual Eye Project: from physics to health through AI with Pedro Lind from OsloMet
  • Digital twin for personalized treatment: example from breast cancer with Arnoldo Frigessi from University of Oslo
  • The clinician's perspective: The role of AI in predicting lung cancer with Oluf Dimitri Røe from Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • A researcher’s perspective: AI for treatment optimization in pancreatic cancer and hematological malignancies with Tero Aittokallio from Oslo University Hospital and University of Oslo
  • The industry’s perspective: The role of AI in creating personalized cancer vaccines with Amine Namouchi from Nykode
  • The CellFit project: Health data analysis in the era of automation with Else Marit Inderberg from Oslo University Hospital and Sebastian Franco Ulloa from Oslo University Hospital
  • Legal framework for AI in healthcare with Susanne Lie from The Norwegian Data Protection Authority
  •  Real-world healthcare data and AI with Arian Ranjbar from Akershus University Hospital
  • Experiences from implementing AI in clinical practice. What are the major obstacles and potential solutions? with Bjørn Graff from Vestre Viken Hospital
  • The future of AI in personalized healthcare with Kjersti Engan from University of Stavanger

Intelligent Health - Future Rehabilitation 2023

A conference focusing on health technology in a clinical rehabilitation setting.

This year's conference on Intelligent Health - Future Rehabilitation was a fantastic interdisciplinary meeting. It was two exciting and useful days, with professional input and insight into rehabilitation technology.

Three takeaways from the conference:

  • The healthcare sector can learn from the technology solutions in other sectors.
  • Technological development offers many applications in rehabilitation, but we need to use them correctly.
  • Cross-disciplinary collaboration is necessary to develop good technological solutions.

Thanks to all the speakers, participants, and exhibitors. The conference was a collaboration between Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital and the Intelligent Health initiative at OsloMet.

List of lectures from the conference

  • Einar Magnus Strand, CEO at Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital
  • Cathrine Kjenner Forsland, Ordfører i Nesodden kommune (Arbeiderpartiet)
  • Carl Christian Thodesen, Vice-rector for societal impact and knowledge exchange at OsloMet
  • Road to digitalization in healthcare - what to learn from finance? by Eivind Gjemdal CEO at Bits
  •  Personalized medicine; What's new? by Ketil Widerberg, general manager at Oslo Cancer Cluster
  • Clinical Virtual Reality: A Brief Review of the Future! by Albert "Skip" Rizzo, Director of the Medical Virtual Reality and Institute for Creative Technologies and Research Professor at University of Southern California
  • Professionals interviewing maltreated children supported via artificial avatars by Gunn Astrid Baugerud, Associate Professor at OsloMet
  • Social cognition; VR training after traumatic brain injury by Martin Matre, clinical neuropsychologist at Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital and PhD-candidate at University of Oslo
  • Humanoid robots in healthcare - a friend or an enemy? by Linda Sørensen, specialist occupational therapist at Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital and PHD Candidate at University of Agder
  •  Walking the Path to Wellness: Foot Position, Brain, and Musculoskeletal Health by Peyman Mirtaheri, Professor at OsloMet
  • Examples from recent brain injury studies. Making sure rehabilitation research makes a difference for real life problems by Marianne Løvstad, clinical neuropsychologist at Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital and Professor at University of Oslo
  • Unmet needs in community-based rehabilitation - what is needed? by Geir Sundet, Director, evaluation & Analytics, Risk & Regulatory at KPMG
  • Wearable Sensing Technologies for Rehabilitation and the Health Metaverse by Chwee Teck Lim, Chair Professor at National University of Singapore and Director at Institute for Health Innovation and Technology
  • Paired associative stimulation in spinal cord injury rehabilitation by Anastasia Shulga, Head of department; Ward for demanding rehabilitation, Helsinki University Hospital
  • The shift in spinal cord injury rehabilitation by Fin Biering-Sørensen, Clinical Professor at Rigshospitalet Copenhagen
  • Telerehabilitation for post-stroke aphasia by Hege Prag Øra, Medical doctor and specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital and lecturer at University of Oslo
  •  Potential of respiratory therapy in spinal cord injury by Anja Raab, Head of research at the School of Health Professions, University of Applied Sciences of Bern
  • AI in rehabilitation by Michael Riegler, Professor at OsloMet and chief research scientist/ research professor at SimulaMet
  • Sensor technology innovation in Spinal cord injury by Thomas Glott, Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital
    Research methodology
  • Quantitative Measurements in Rehabilitation Research: Balancing Precision with Sound Judgment  by Terje Gjøvaag, Associate Professor at OsloMet and Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital
  • Research methodology in rehabilitations by Cecilie Røe, Professor at Oslo University Hospital and University of Oslo
  • Panel discussion: Intelligent health - Future rehabilitation
  • Closing remarks with Carl Christian Thodesen, Vice-rector for societal impact and knowledge exchange at OsloMet

The Intelligent Health Conference 2023

Thank you to all participants, speakers and cooperating partners for making the Intelligent Health Conference a success.

The first-ever Intelligent Health Conference invited experts’ speakers on the field of digital health to present their research on the use of technologies in the health services. The conference had a particular focus on research in artificial intelligence, sensors and applications.

The conference explored the potential of technology in patient care, advancing medical research, and enhancing healthcare outcomes.

List of lectures at the conference

  • Welcoming words by Vice-rector for societal impact and knowledge exchange Carl Christian Thodesen
  • Welcoming words by State Secretary Ellen Rønning-Arnesen
  • Maximising the Use of AI in Healthcare Delivery by Ngiam Kee Yuan, National University of Singapore
  • Integrating behavioral and implementation sciences with technology development by Professor Dean Ho, National University of Singapore
  • AI-Mind: Digital tools to evaluate dementia risk by Post doc Asma Belhadi, OsloMet
  • Artificial intelligence – a novel tool in reproductive medicine by Professor Trine B. Haugen, OsloMet
  • Human-centric Assistive Technology for Outpatient and Home Care by Professor Evi Zouganeli, OsloMet
  • Advancing healthcare with smart wearable technologies by Professor Lim Chwee Teck, National University of Singapore
  • mHealth and personalized digital health by Professor He Hong-Gu Linda, National University of Singapore
  • mHealth as part of weight regulation by Jeanette Roede, Lifeness
  • First things first - Identifying needs to be supported by technology in remote patient care by Heidi Holmen, post doc at Oslo University Hospital and associate Professor at OsloMet
  • Digital Health and physical sensors by Professor Olga Korostynska
  • Digital Health Interventions in a Health Economics Perspective by Professor Eline Aas
  • Panel discussion: Future of digital health. Five experts will discuss what they believe what is in the future of digital health. Moderated by: Professor Minna Pikkarainen, OsloMet


Through seminars, we create meeting places for external and internal people, where our aim is to contribute to the emergence of dialogue across disciplines and sectors, while at the same time participants are presented with new research on various topics.

How to achieve more research collaboration?

Intelligent health aims to further develop cooperation with the private and public sector. Together with the section for research and development (R&D) at the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design, we invited to a seminar where we wanted to explore the advantages and challenges of research collaboration between business and academia.

ChatGPT in the healthcare sector?

We need the right technology, at the right time and in the right place in the health sector, which is only possible with interdisciplinary collaboration. Therefore, Intelligent Health at OsloMet and SimulaMet invited to a breakfast seminar to discuss artificial intelligence in the health sector, across disciplines.

Large language models in the health sector provide opportunities for improvement, for example in medical image analysis, medical record systems and patient registries. This is just the beginning, and the first examples show an uplifting development.

List of lectures from the seminar

  • Welcome with Carl Christian Thodesen, Vice President for Social Impact and Innovation at OsloMet
  • Generative AI – a new paradigm for AI in health. What are possible use cases? with Ellen Strålberg, Senior project manager at Norwegian Board of Technology
  • Hitchhiker's guide to large language models in healthcare - Where to start and what to visit? with Michael Riegler, Chief Research Scientist/Research Professor Simula Metropolitan and Professor at OsloMet
  • GPT UiO; a national GPT service that follows GDPR by Dagfinn Bergsager, Assistant Director IT-Department University of Oslo
  • RuterGPT with Umair Imam, Head of Data & A.I at Ruter and Assistant Professor at OsloMet.
  • From hospitality to hospitals: how to resolve bottlenecks in information flow with Omar Richardson, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Simula Consulting
  • AI breaking down the IT barriers. Digital transformation in partnership with the business  with Maria Therese Sanna, Head of Strategy, architecture and  system development at Oslo municipality
  • Data driven healthcare research at Ahus with Arian Ranjbar, Postoctoral Researcher at Akershus Clinical Research Center.
  • Data driven innovation in Ullensaker municipality with Gunnhild Grimstad-Kirkeby, Director for health and social care at Ullensaker municipality
  • Panel discussion with moderator Carl Christian Thodesen, Vice President for Social Impact and Innovation at OsloMet.

Technology in physiotherapy, are we exploiting the opportunities?

The seminar was a collaboration between the Department of Rehabilitation Science and Health Technology, the initiative Intelligent Health at OsloMet and Rehabilie.

In a time where the healthcare sector is facing an increasing need for physiotherapists, it is crucial to explore the possibilities that technology provides.

Øystein Tveite from The Norwegian Directorate of Health discussed how digital tools can assist more people in making demanding lifestyle changes. However, he emphasized the need for a system that can ensure the quality of technological solutions.

Pernille Lunde from OsloMet presented research on what promotes and hinders the use of technology in physiotherapy. The needs of patients and healthcare professionals include manageability, individual customization, and the ability to enhance self-reliance. At the leadership level, economic sustainability and flexibility in the financing model are highlighted as important factors for the use of technology in services.

The seminar concluded with a workshop. Engaging group dialogues took place among clinicians, researchers, and technology companies. Across disciplines, discussions revolved around how physiotherapists can improve patients' daily lives through the use of technology, and the barriers that make technology implementation challenging.

The ideation workshop concluded that there is a need to incorporate more technology in the areas of information exchange, communication, and patient follow-up. Proposed solutions revolved around digitization to streamline information exchange and treatment follow-up, but clear national guidelines and better anchoring of measures were requested.

Personalized medicine in the health service

Intelligent health invited employees at OsloMet to a seminar on omics and personalized medicine in the health service. The seminar gave an insight into what omics technology is and how the technology can be used and applied in health science research projects.

Nils Olav Refsdal, political scientist and deputy director in the section for competence, research and innovation in the Ministry of Health and Care, presented the government's strategy for personalized medicine.

Researchers in the omics environment at OsloMet have adopted omics technology presented the purpose of the project, why omics technology is important for the project and what significance the results of the research project have for a personalized healthcare service.

Internal events

Distribution of seed funding

In 2022, Intelligent health announced seed funds for ongoing and planned research projects at the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design.

Eight projects were awarded funds, and at the awarding ceremony the project managers presented their projects. The common feature of the projects is that they are based on technology and promote multiple partnerships to find good and better solutions for patients.

Projects that received seed funding

  • Female Pain and Psychological distress. Paving the way for brain informed technology in AI based predictions of therapeutic outcomes. Project manager  Rune Jonassen.
  • Glycomics@OsloMet. Project manager Niclas Karlsson.
  • Spinal cord injury, gut microbiota, and metabolic health.  Project manager Mari Myhrstad.
  • Whole Genome Sequencing of Dry Eye biomarkers: On the road to developing new evidence-based solutions for treatment of a debilitating condition. Project manager Colin Charnock.
  • Smart development of nano-antibiotics. Project manager Sanko Nguyen.
  • The window to the soul in the palm of the hand. Project manager Pedro Rego Lencastre e Silva.
  • Norwegian name on the project is Bruk av 3D printer i framtidig rehabilitering og hjelpemidler med kunnskapsbaserte og pasient sentrete løsninger (framtidige 3D printere). Project manager Morten Ødegård.
  • VRHAB: Artificial Intelligence powered Virtual Reality Therapy in Stroke Home Rehabilitation. Project manager Minna Pikkarainen.

Workshop with Lillestrøm municipality

Intelligent Health and Lillestrøm municipality held a workshop that aimed to identify possible areas of collaboration and research projects related to the "Technology Promise".

The workshop provided insight into several possible areas for collaboration and showed that both Lillestrøm municipality and OsloMet can benefit from closer cooperation. A letter of intent on collaboration between OsloMet and Lillestrøm municipality forms the basis for the workshop's focus on potential collaborations and research projects.

Use of 3D scanners and 3D printers in rehabilitation and activity aids

The aim of the seminar was to bring together individuals with expertise, interest and curiosity in the use of 3D printing and 3D scanning in rehabilitation and treatment.

Master's students from ACIT at OsloMet have collaborated with Sunnaas Hospital on exciting projects. At the seminar, the students presented their projects that focused on the use of 3D technology for developing orthoses.

The seminar brought together relevant partners to showcase the students' work and to facilitate further collaboration between OsloMet, the public sector and industry.

Organized by: Morten Ødegård

Other events

  • Intelligent Health Advisory board, August 22, 2024
  • Intelligent Health Advisory board May 07, 2024
  • Intelligent Health Advisory board February 12, 2024
  • Network meeting with Intelligent Health. Presentation of Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital 13 December 2023
  • Intelligent Health Advisory board November 1, 2023
  • Network meeting with Intelligent Health. Presentation of IFE 06 October 2023
  • Intelligent Health Advisory board September 14, 2023
  • Network meeting with Intelligent Health. Presentation of Biogen 08 September 2023
  • Intelligent Health Advisory board April 20, 2023
  • Input on Intelligent Health Strategy 13 December 2022
  • Intelligent Health Workshop Digital Services for the Private Sector 25 October 2022
  • Intelligent Health Workshop Digital Services for the Public Sector 18 October 2022


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