The quality system is OsloMet's tool for systematic quality assurance and development of its study programmes.
The quality system comprises all study programmes at OsloMet: bachelor's, master’s and PhD programmes as well as continuing and further education. The system applies to the whole course of study from admission until the studies are completed, as well as framework factors.
The quality system has the following main functions:
- establishing a favourable framework and underpinning OsloMet's main goal of being a leading supplier of research-based and experience-based knowledge to the welfare society;
- promoting quality in existing and planned education programmes and ensuring that all students achieve the expected learning outcomes;
- identifying and ensuring follow-up of quality defects in the education programmes;
- highlighting and documenting OsloMet's quality assurance work.
Important parts of OsloMet's quality work, in the form of evaluation and analysis, and annual reporting on the quality of education, are organised around the courses and programmes offered;
The figure below is a schematic illustration of the reporting process at OsloMet, with indication of responsibility and feedback loops. The system is based on feedback loops to ensure continuous quality development. Assessment and analysis will lead to follow-up and measures at the lowest possible level of the organisation.
The board
- Responsible for ensuring that academic activity is of high quality.
- Signals how to administer priorities for the upcoming period and ensures that budget priorities and other decisions facilitate favorable development of the quality of programmes and courses offered by the university.
- The rector’s team has the overall responsibility for the quality work at OsloMet, and for providing the Board with information about the quality of study programmes.
- Rector is responsible for following up the Board's guidelines at the annual management dialogue meetings with the faculties.
- Dean/head of center has the overall strategic and coordinating responsibility for all education and R&D by the faculty/center.
- Dean/head of center is responsible for ensuring that the Board's guidelines and the faculty's own action plans/measures to improve the quality of education are followed up.
- Head of department is responsible for quality assurance and development of the department's total portfolio of programmes and courses.
- Head of department is responsible for follow up of the Board's and the faculty's guidelines and ensuring the department’s own action plans/measures to improve the quality of education are followed up.
- Study programme coordinator is academically responsible for the study programme.
- Study programme coordinator is responsible for following up the department's action plans in the effort to assure and develop the quality of the study programme.
- The person with course responsibility is responsible for planning, implementation and development of the course.
- The person with course responsibility is responsible for following up the course and department's action plans in the effort to assure and develop the quality of the course.
Framework for the quality assurance work
Under the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges (, all universities and university colleges are required to have a system for quality assurance that safeguards and further develops the quality of their education programmes.
In addition, the following internal regulations and governing documents set out a series of national and local requirements and guidelines for quality assurance work: