Norwegian version

OsloMet Holmlia

Holmlia in numbers


In 2023

New research projects

In 2023

Visits by international delegations

In 2023

The center shares space with several departments from the district, including child welfare, kindergarten, health services and administrative functions. Distinguished entities such as the health station, Oslo Help, and the Deichman library also reside in the district house. 

The objective of this unique arrangement is to eliminate barriers that often emerge when different departments operate independently. OsloMet-Holmlia is set to host academic and research units that focus on enhancing living conditions and welfare services in the district. 

Furthermore, the center is dedicated to improving the quality and relevance of OsloMet’s education programs. This is achieved by: 


The project is guided by a steering committee composed of representatives from OsloMet, the district of Søndre Nordstrand, and the municipality of Oslo. The committee is chaired by Oddgeir Osland, the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences. 

For more information and news from OsloMet Holmlia please see the Norwegian page.