Research groups
Professional Knowledge and Qualification
This research group conducts research on professional knowledge and expertise.
Expertise, Ethics, and Public Policy
This research group explores the relationship between professions and governance. The aim is to combine the knowledge gained from empirical research with theoretical and normative study findings.
Professional Careers and Labour Markets
A research group dedicated to studying the trajectories of professionals, from their education and training to their roles and development in the labour market.
Professional practice
This research group focuses on the following topics: Professions and the implementation of public policies, Professional work and workplaces, and Cooperation and collaboration.
Selected research projects
- Renewed perspectives on research use in education (REPOSE)
- International student mobility: drivers, patterns and impacts (MOBILITY)
- Organising for Outcome - Links between service integration and transitions to employment for citizens with complex service needs
- Persistent Passion for Professional Education: Consequences for student completion and dropout (PERSIST)
- ProTrust: Status and trust in occupational groups
- The authority of expertise in professional tax law practice (TAXLAW)
- Teacher Education for a Future in Flux - TEFF Academy
- Meta-Scientific Literacies in the (Mis-)Information Age
All research projects
StudData, Database for Studies of Recruitment and Qualification in the Professions, is one of the foundations for the research activities at the Centre for the Study of Professions (SPS).