OsloMet launches a virtual laboratory dedicated to green energy research and education.
Department of Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical engineering offers bachelor's and master's studies in engineering, and has research and development activities.
2024 (Database for Statistics on Higher Education)
FTEs in 2024 (Database for Statistics on Higher Education)
in engineering, and a complementary engineering and technology education
in Applied Computer and Information Technology and Mechanical Engineering
Pilestredet 35 (P35) in Oslo.
In our external collaborations, we focus on establishing partnerships with businesses and public institutions, with a specific emphasis on bachelor's and master's projects.
As part of our commitment to staying updated with industry demands, we organize “relevance seminars” where industry leaders and institutions provide their insights, ensuring that our educational programs will be in line with the ever-evolving needs of the workforce.
For further information and inquiries regarding collaboration, please feel free to contact the head of department, Astrid Oust Janbu.
Our tasks are designed to tackle realistic academic challenges and provide students with the opportunity to apply knowledge and skills from their studies in a practical manner.
The university offers comprehensive guidance and ensures that the academic content is well-maintained.
Students gain valuable industry contacts and improved job opportunities, while the educational programs become more relevant through practical assignments.
If you are interested in collaboration related to bachelor's or master's projects, please contact the head of department, Astrid Oust Janbu.
OsloMet launches a virtual laboratory dedicated to green energy research and education.
OsloMet launches a Master of Science programme in mechanical engineering in 2024. The new master has a particular focus on sustainable technology.
The master`s programme Applied Computer and Information Technology (ACIT) with the specialisation Robotics and Control gathered bachelor students at OceanLab for inspiration and grilling in the sun.