Norwegian version

Erasmus Mundus Design Measures: MA in Applied Deaf Studies

The MADS project initiates collaborations between seven higher education institutions in Europe and the UK with a view of setting up a new European joint master’s programme in applied deaf studies. It is funded by the Erasmus Mundus Design Measure under the Erasmus+ program.

Main activities:

Participants at OsloMet

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Partner institutions

  • Charles Universitet i Praha, Czech Republic
  • EDSU, European Association of Deaf Students
  • Frontrunners, (an international leadership program for deaf young people at a Danish folk high school)
  • Heriot-Watt University i Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Humboldt Universitet i Berlin, Germany
  • Hogeschool Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
  • Stockholms Universitet, Sweden
  • Trinity College Dublin, Ireland