The research group KunstForsk – Arts-based- and artistic research stems from the communities at the Faculty of Education and International Studies at OsloMet, and their need to apply and further develop specific methods and methodologies related to arts-based research and development work.
The initiative behind KunstForsk comes from the Department of Early Childhood Education. However, the group also includes researchers from other educational fields, and provides a research community for arts practitioners and educators from several departments.
KunstForsk is a research group that conducts its research with, on, through and in the arts disciplines, often in combination with more traditional scientific approaches. Interest in the distinctive research processes employed in the arts form the group’s point of departure and the hub of its work. The methodologies used by the research team in their projects are nonetheless based on a number of different traditions.
These include artistic research, a/r/tography, practice-led research, aesthetically based research, and more traditional qualitative research methodologies. The projects also vary in relation to their philosophy of science perspectives, and the researchers position themselves in the fields of both hermeneutic-phenomenological and postmodern and posthumanist thinking.
KunstForsk wishes to contribute to the continuous exploration surrounding and discussion of the development of arts-based methodology. The group is also engaged in the work of further developing and implementing the NVI+ at the faculty and articulating artistic processes – artistically as well as verbally. KunstForsk will therefore regularly invite audiences to performances, concerts, exhibitions, and lectures.
Heads of research group
- TRALL - research on song heritage in Norway
- Performing Arts for ALL Young Children
- University of Stavanger
- Bakken & Bæck AS (teknologi & design studio)
- Gründergarasjen
- Bydel Søndre Nordstrand
- Lillestrøm kommune
- Gran kommune
- Sangbarsk forskningsnettverk, KfS (Krafttak for sang)