The group belongs to the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design and is multi-disciplinary.
We focus on complex systems and networks, autonomous systems, network and system administration, cloud infrastructures, big data and machine learning.
Our members are computer scientists and researchers having expertise in topics such as statistics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, operating systems and networking, complex systems, as well as domain experts with years of industry experience in system administration, software architecture, enterprise networks and security.
Head of research group
More about the research
Our group is able to offer a unique mix of perspectives on the approaches, technologies and profession aspects of autonomous system, networking, and systems administration.
Our publications showcase the ability to have a “full-stack” understanding of today’s complex services and systems, allowing us to bridge advanced theoretical ideas with real-life engineering challenges.
We have been engaged in teaching the MSc program in Network and System Administration in collaboration with the University of Oslo since 2003.
The group spearheads efforts to create an international community for educators in network and system administration through co-chairing the USENIX Journal of Education in System Administration as well as the USENIX Summit for educators in system administration.
We were a member of the European EMANICS Network of Excellence project from 2004 until 2008.
ASN is the provider of the ALTO cloud, currently the largest OpenStack deployment in production in Norwegian higher education with 1024 cores and 4TB of RAM. ALTO functions as a test bed and platform for experiments.
As well as being a test bed, the management of clouds itself, as well as its virtual machines, is a continuous focus of research in our group. By managing a cloud in production, it offers a realistic case for research by discovering new management challenges as well as investigating solutions.
Some of our main research interests include:
- Cloud Infrastructure, Virtualization & Service Management
- Internet of Things (IoT), Software Defined Networks (SDN), Networking & Security
- Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning
- Complex and Autonomous/Self-Organising Systems, Biologically Inspired Systems
- Green Computing & Operating Systems (e.g. IncludeOS: A minimal, resource efficient unikernel for cloud systems)
- IncludeOS – A minimal, service oriented, includable library operating system for cloud services ( Contact person: Hårek Haugerud.
- SOCRATES project: Self-Organising Computational substRATES(, Funded by the Norwegian Research Council, IKTPLUSS. Project in collaboration with NTNU. Contact person: Stefano Nichele.
We cooperate with a number of national and international partners. Some of these are:
- University of Oslo
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
- University of Agder
- Rochester Institute of Technology
- University of South Florida
- Manchester Metropolitan University
- Telenor
- Lunis
- Linpro