Selected publications by Digital Journalism

This is an overview of selected publications by the Digital Journalism research group.

Bygdås, Arne

Bygdås, A. L., Hagen, A. L., Tolstad, I. M., & Skjælaaen, G. R. (2019) From deadline to flowline: Managing paradoxical demands in news organizations through metaphor. In Bygdås, A. L., Clegg, S. R., & Hagen, A. L. (Eds) Media Management and Digital Transformation, London: Routledge, forthcoming May 2019.

Bygdås, A. L., Hagen, A. L., Tolstad, I. M., & Skjælaaen, G. R. Flowline at work: Transforming temporalities in news organizations through metaphor. Under review

Skjælaaen, G. R. & Bygdås, A. L. (2019) Teaming up with technology: Socio-material managerial approaches for digital transformation. In Bygdås, A. L., Clegg, S. R., & Hagen, A. L. (Eds) Media Management and Digital Transformation, London: Routledge, forthcoming May 2019.

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Kjos Fonn, Birgitte

Steensen Steen, Larsen, Anna M, Hågvar, Yngve & Fonn, Birgitte Kjos (2019, in press), What does digital journalism studies look like?, Digital Journalism, 7(3).

Fonn, Birgitte Kjos (2018): It’s the Economy, Stupid: Coverage of the British EU Referendum in Norway. In Ridge-Newman, Anthony; Leon-Solis, Fernando; O'Donnell, Hugh (Red.). Reporting the Road to Brexit. International Media and the EU Referendum 2016. Palgrave Macmillan.

Fonn, Birgitte Kjos (2019, in press): “What someone wants to be kept in the dark.” An analysis of the Norwegian Panama Papers coverage. I Krøvel, Roy og Thowsen, Mona (red.) Making Transparency Possible: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

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Figenschou, Tine Ustad

Figenschou, T. U. & Ihlebæk, K. A. (2018) Challenging Journalistic Authority: Media criticism in far-right alternative media,  Journalism Studies (online first: September 04, 2018) DOI:

Figenschou, T. U. & Thorbjørnsrud, K. (2017) Disruptive media events: Managing mediated dissent in the aftermath of terror, Journalism Practice 11(8), 942-959 DOI: 

Thorbjørnsrud, K. & Figenschou, T. U. (2016) Consensus and dissent after terror: Editorial policies in times of crisis, Journalism (online first: July 12, 2016) DOI:

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Hagen, Aina Landsverk

Bygdås, A., Clegg, S. & Hagen, A.L. (red.) (under utgivelse). Media management and Digital transformation. New York: Routledge.

Hagen, A.L., Tolstad, I., Bygdås, A. (2018) «Fra deadline til flowline: En trinn for trinn-analyse av endring i en norsk medieorganisasjon». Norsk Medietidsskrift. 25(4): 1-18.

Hagen A.L. (2015) Meningers mot: Netthat og journalistisk ytringsfrihet i Norge. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademiske.

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Hågvar, Yngve Benestad

Hågvar, Y. B. (2016). Nyhetssjangere i nettaviser. Tekstnormforskjeller mellom nett- og papirnyheter i VG, Dagbladet og Aftenposten 2010-2014. Ph.d.-avhandling. Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo. (Open access)

Konow-Lund, M., Hågvar, Y. & Olsson, E.-K. (2018). Digital Innovation During Terror and Crises. Digital Journalism.

Hågvar, Y. (2019). News Media’s Rhetoric on Facebook. Journalism Practice.

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Karlsnes, Bente

Kalsnes, B. (2018). Fake News, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication, Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.809

Kalsnes, B. & Larsson, A. O. (2017). Understanding News Sharing Across Social Media: Detailing distribution on Facebook and Twitter. Journalism Studies, 1-20. doi:10.1080/1461670X.2017.1297686 

Kalsnes, B. (2016). Intermedia agenda setting: political journalists’ source hunting on social media. In Jensen, J. L. & Mortensen, M. & Ørmen, J. (Eds.) News across media: Production, distribution and consumption. New York and London: Routledge.

Larsen, Anna M. Grøndahl

Larsen, A. G. (2016). Investigative Reporting in the Networked Media Environment: Journalists' Use of Social Media in Reporting Violent Extremism. Journalism Practice, 11(10), 1231-1245. Doi: 10.1080/17512786.2016.1262214

Larsen, A. G. (2018). Newsworthy Actors, Illegitimate Voices: Journalistic Strategies in Dealing With Voices Deemed Anti-democratic and Violent. Journalism. Doi: 10.1177/1464884918760865

Steensen Steen, Larsen, Anna M, Hågvar, Yngve & Fonn, Birgitte Kjos (2019, in press), What does digital journalism studies look like?, Digital Journalism, 7(3).

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Skjælaaen, Gudrun Rudningen

Skjælaaen, G. R. & Tolstad, I. M. (forthcoming 2019) ‘Print and digital: Synchronizing discrepant temporal regimes in the newsroom’. Ch.2 in Bygdås, A. L., Clegg, S. & Hagen, A. L., (Eds) Media Management and Digital Transformation. Routledge.

Skjælaaen, G. R. & Bygdås, A. L. (forthcoming 2019) ‘Teaming up with technology: Socio-material managerial approaches for digital transformation’. Ch.7 in Bygdås, A. L., Clegg, S. & Hagen, A. L., (Eds) Media Management and Digital Transformation. Routledge.

Skjælaaen, G. R., Bygdås, A. & Hagen, A. L. (2018) Visual Inquiry. Exploring embodied organizational practices by collaborative film-elicitation. Journal of Management Inquiry. 1-17. Doi 10.1177/1056492618778138.

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Steensen, Steen

Steensen, S. (2011). Online Journalism and the Promises of New Technology. A Critical Review and Look Ahead. Journalism Studies, 12(3), 311–327.doi:

Steensen, S., & Ahva, L. (2015). Theories of Journalism in a Digital age. Digital Journalism, 3 (1), 1–18.

Steensen, S. (2018). What is the matter with newsroom culture? A sociomaterial analysis of professional knowledge creation in the newsroom. Journalism, 19 (4), 464–480.

Steensen Steen, Larsen, Anna M, Hågvar, Yngve & Fonn, Birgitte Kjos (2019, in press), What does digital journalism studies look like?, Digital Journalism, 7(3).

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Westlund, Oscar

Westlund, O. (2013). Mobile news: a review and model of journalism in an age of mobile media, Digital Journalism 1, 6-26

Lewis, S.C. & Westlund, O. (2015). Actors, Actants, Audiences, and Activities in Cross-Media News Work, Digital Journalism, 3:1, 19-37. (Open-access)

Westlund, O. & Ekström, M. (2018). News and Participation through and beyond Proprietary Platforms in an Age of Social Media, Media and Communication, 6(4): xx-xx. (Open-access)

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