Norwegian version

Learning, mastery and qualification in a diversity perspective

This research group works with different projects related to various issues on gender, identity, multiculturalism, sustainability, multidisciplinary, literacy, bilingualism, learning abilities and “bildung”/formation.

The concept diversity can be understood and used on different levels; individual, system and educational levels. On individual and student level, diversity can include gender, identity, ethnicity and learning ability. In an educational perspective the concept includes multiculturalism, multidisciplinarity, literacy and sustainability. 

Heads of research group

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More about the research group

The projects focus on challenges relevant to students and teachers in Vocational Education and Training and Vocational Teacher Education in big cities contexts. Swift changes in society and labour market (Industry 4.0) demand new knowledge and competences in Teacher Education. A society characterised as more text based, by multiculturalism and globalisation demands literacy and communication skills, skills in cooperation and autonomy. Vocational Teacher Education and Vocational Education and Training are closely related to labour market and society requiring new perspectives on teaching and learning relevant in big cities contexts. The research group represents multidiscipline and transferable knowledge and competence in our research.  
This research group belongs to the Department of Vocational Teacher Education and the Faculty of Education and International Studies.