The purpose of the study is to investigate municipalities’ potential to actively use youth clubs to promote issues concerning adolescents’ health and well-being.
By using material from the national Ungdata-survey this project will combine information on social background, gender, age and immigrant background with adolescents’ self-reported health, well-being, behavior problems, drug abuse, engagement in recreational activities and social support.
The purpose of the study is to investigate municipalities’ potential to actively use youth clubs to promote issues concerning adolescents’ health and well-being. Previous research has shown that youth clubs have been able to include groups that are otherwise less represented in formal youth organizations.
This initial mapping of the youth club population at the national level will be supplemented by qualitative research interviews with adolescents attending youth clubs on a regular basis. The research project is framed by a document study of how policy documents have engaged youth clubs in policy for public health and well-being.
- Seland, I., Andersen, P.L. og Eriksen, I.M. (2021). Fritidsklubber i det lokale folkehelsearbeidet. Sluttrapport (
- Eriksen, I. M. og Seland, I. (2020). Conceptualizing Well-being in Youth: The Potential of Youth Clubs. YOUNG.
- Selend, I. & Andersen, P.L. (2020). Hva kjennetegner ungdom som går på norske fritidsklubber og ungdomshus? Nordisk tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning (
- Seland, I. & Andersen, P.L. (2019). Fritidsklubber i et folkehelseperspektiv. Analyser av statlige dokumenter 2007–2017 og Ungdata 2015–2017. NOVA Notat 1/19 (