The members from OsloMet. From left: Marina Fridman, Anders Graver Knudsen, Fabrizio Palumbo, Roy Krøvel and Gustavo Borges Moreno e Mello

The AI Journalism Resource Center

The AIJRC is a resource center for AI and Data Science in investigative journalism. It is a collaboration between the AI Lab and the Department of Journalism and Media Studies at OsloMet. The aim of AIJRC is to research, assist and promote the use of AI and data science techniques in investigative journalism. We achieve this with a three-pronged approach of education, tool development and data analysis support.

Our education activities include: 



Members from OsloMet

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Edward Boyda, temporary project position at Faculty SAM, and managing partner at Earthrise Media is also a member from OsloMet.

External members

Leonardo Rydin, associate professor at NMBU



Person on the phone Source: freestocks/
The AI Lab is working with

Gustavo Mello, leader of the AI Lab, was recently interviewed by kode24 on the new collaborative project: Faktisk Innsikt.

Gustavo Mello, leader of the AI Lab, talks to a crowd on the SKUP 2022 conference.
NordSTAR and the AI Lab discuss how AI can contribute to journalism

On Friday, the 1st of April, we organised a panel at the SKUP 2022 conference together with the Department of Journalism and Media Studies.