Norwegian version

The Barnahus Model: Developmental Trends and Institutional Tensions

Based on the Norwegian and international barnahus models, this project will explore how the barnahus model has developed and changed over time, as well as the institutional tensions that permeats the barnahus operation.

The barnahus model is now being implemented in a number of countries in Europa and beyond. At the same time, the research-based knowledge about the barnahus model is limited. Current research indicates that the barnahus model can contribute to more child-friendly legal proceedings, but also points at several challenges and dilemmas.  

NOVA evaluated the Norwegian barnahus in 2021. The evaluation gave clear indication that the anchoring of the barnahus model in the justice sector contributes to an imbalance between criminal proceedings and support/treatment – the two main tasks the model is to take care of.

It also showed that among the professional groups involved in the barnahus operation, there are different perceptions of what a barnahus is and should be.  

In this project, we will, based on existing data, explore these and other questions in more detail. The research will take place in collaboration with researchers at OsloMet, as well as the University of Lund and the University of Edinburgh.

One aim is also to develop the Nordic Network for Barnahus Research which NOVA coordinates. The results will be published in scientific articles as well as an international anthology to be published in 2023. 


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Partner institutions

  • University of Lund
  • University of Edinburgh

Publications on barnahus

Andersen, Lotte C. (2022). Phronetically Guided Use of Knowledge: Interstitial Work at Barnahus and How It Can Inform the Knowledge Debate in Social Work. The British journal of social work, 52(2), 1038-1054.

Andersen, Lotte C. (2019). Mellomromsarbeid – Om barnehusrådgiveres arbeidspraksiser. I: Vold i nære relasjoner. Forståelser, konsekvenser og tiltak
K. Skjørten, E. Bakketeig, M. Bjørnholt, and S. Mossige, red. (178-194), Universitetsforlaget.

Bakketeig, Elisiv, Kari Stefansen, Lotte Andersen & Tonje Gundersen (2021): Evaluering av statens barnehus 2021. NOVA.

Johansson, Susanna & Stefansen, Kari (2019): Policy-Making for the Diffusion of Social Innovations: The Case of the Barnahus Model in the Nordic Region and the broader European Context. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research.

Johansson, S., Stefansen, K., Kaldal, A. & Bakketeig, E., red. (2017) Collaborating against child abuse: Exploring the Nordic Barnahus Model.  London: Palgrave, 2017.

Stefansen, K., Bakketeig, E. & Johansson, S. (under publisering): From dissenting to conforming hybridity – Experiences from a justice-sector affiliated Barnahus model. I: Contemporary and Innovative Practices in Child & Youth Advocacy Centre Models. (Annick St-Armand, Pearl Rimer, Danielle Nadeau, James Herbert & Wendy Walsh eds.).

Featured research

Child hiding face. Sitting in sofa with woman.
A holistic approach to supporting victimized children

Barnahus is an innovative model of caring for and supporting children who have been the victim of violence and sexual abuse. It provides a safe and supportive environment to meet their legal, medical, and psychological needs.