We will investigate how schools worked to mitigate the long-term impact of the pandemic for different groups of students.
The coronavirus pandemic had a major impact on both the educational situation and the life situation of secondary school students.
Although all lower secondary school students in Norway were affected by the pandemic, there was also considerable variation in infection rates, the burden of measures and the schools' approach between municipalities.
Preliminary knowledge shows that it was vulnerable or marginalized students that were the most exposed to negative consequences of the infection control measures.
Researchers from Norwegian Social Research (NOVA) and The Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU) will investigate school practice and long-term consequences for the students.
Qualitative analyses of interviews with students, teachers and school leaders, and quantitative analyses of different data sources will be employed. Special emphasis will be placed on mapping geographical and social variation.
Vennerød-Diesen, F.F.; Pedersen, C.; Persson, M.F.; Andersen, P.L. og Ljunggren, J. (2024). «Et bevis på at man trenger skolen, egentlig». Delrapport 2: Koronapandemiens langsiktige konsekvenser for elever på ungdomstrinnet. NIFU-rapport 10/24 (nifu.brage.unit.no)
Ljunggren, J.; Wollscheid, S.; Andersen, P.L. og Vennerød-Diesen, F.F. (2023). Koronapandemiens langsiktige konsekvenser for elever på ungdomstrinnet. Delrapport 1: Kunnskapsoppsummering og konstruksjon av elevers erfaringskontekst. NOVA-notat 3/23 (oda.oslomet.no)