In this research, NOVA at OsloMet, in collaboration with the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, evaluate the program «Sport for all in Oslo» from its inception in 2018 until 2024.
The sport program was initiated by Oslo Sport Council to reduce financial and other forms of barriers to participation and enable that more children and youth participate in organized sport in Oslo.
This evaluation research takes aim at, first, assessing the degree to which «Sport for all in Oslo» contributes to its goals of 1) broader organized sport provision throughout the city, 2) reduced participation costs and 3) elevated sport activity among children and youth in Oslo. Second, the evaluation aims to generate knowledge about which preconditions and mechanisms are related to goal achievement in «Sport for all in Oslo».
The evaluation combines qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative component consists of interviews with people involved in the sport program, participatory observation of sport activities and document analysis. The quantitative analyses are based on data from the youth survey «Young in Oslo» (2015, 2018, 2021, 2024).
Solstad, G.M., Skilbred, A. og Enstad, F. (2025). Idrett for alle i Oslo?
Sluttrapport fra et følgeforskningsprosjekt 2019–2024. NOVA Rapport 1/25 (
Solstad, G.M. & Sandvik, M.R. (2024). Frivillig i idrettslag. Idrettsorganisering i spennet mellom forening og forretning. NOVA Rapport 4/24 (
Solstad, G.M., Sandvik, M.R. & Sletten, M.A. (2022). Deltakelse, trivsel og inkludering i barne- og ungdomsidretten. Delrapport fra forskningen om Idrett for alle i Oslo. NOVA Rapport 1/22 (
Solstad, G.M. & Bakken, A. (2020). Evaluering av "Idrett for alle i Oslo". Kartleggingsrapport 2020. NOVA Rapport 8/20
Partner institutions
Center for Children and Youth Sports, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences.