The purpose of the FOOdIVERSE project is to produce practice-oriented knowledge on how diversity in diets, novel food supply chains and food governance contributes to more organic and sustainable food systems.
Food consumption significantly influences resource use and the environmental effects of food production and distribution. Currently a rather homogenous group of well-educated and affluent consumers is strongly interested in organic food. The mainstream food supply chains and their governance are characterised by a food regime that creates large quantities of standardised food. A more diverse food system could deliver more choices and could be more sustainable. What is lacking is a systematic and practice-oriented characterisation of diversity in the food system and its impact on resilience, enhancing socio-economic and environmental pillars of sustainability.
The FOOdIVERSE project aims to produce practice-oriented knowledge on how diversity in diets, novel food supply chains and food governance contributes to more organic and sustainable food systems. The project provides multi-level perspectives on transforming local food systems across Europe by promoting diversity of consumers, producers and key stakeholders.
Five European countries contribute to the project: Italy, Germany, Norway, Poland and the United Kingdom. Project manager is Prof. Stefan Wahlen, University of Giessen, Germany.
The project is funded by the SUSFOOD2 and CORE Organic Cofunds (ERA-net).
Fieldwork at Hadeland CSA
The film showcases work at Hadeland Andelslandbruk (Community Supported Agriculture), which is a living lab within the project. Living labs ensure participation, meaning that those at the center of what we are researching are actively involved in the research. The researchers actively participate in the work on the farm during their fieldwork. This collaboration allows us to identify new challenges and find new solutions for locally produced food and a more diverse food system.