The project will investigate how young people negotiate, experience and handle issues related to sexuality, sexual health and risk - in light of both contemporary youth culture, and other social and societal conditions.
The purpose of the project is 1) to produce broad knowledge about young people's sexuality and sexual health; and 2) deep insight into young people experiences of sexual violence in adolescence. We hold specific focus on three important arenas in young people's lives: the digital, sports and parties and social drinking contexts.
The researchers draw on available quantitative (Young in Oslo, NOVA; The MyLife study, NIH) and qualitative data (The Domestic Violence Research, NOVA), combined with a new qualitative data. project.
The data collection was carried out in 2022 and consists of 100 personal interviews with young people aged 18-19. The young people will be recruited strategically from different environments to ensure a varied sample according to gender/identity, sexual orientations and socio-economic background.
By interviewing young people from different environments about sexual health and experiences they have had with different forms of sexual violence, the project will produce data that enables analyzes of the dynamics and factors that create vulnerability in different environments.
Frøyland, L. R., Tokle, R., Andreas, J. B., & Brunborg, G. S. (2024). Sexting and Mental Health in Adolescence: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Adolescent Health (
Schwenche, E.O. og Tokle, R. (2024). Russetiden er høysesong for seksuelle krenkelser. Dette er det alle russ og foreldre bør snakke om. Aftenposten, 19.04.2024 (
Tokle, R., Buvik, K., Stefansen, K., Solstad, G.M. (2023). Safety strategies, status positioning and gendered double standards: adolescents’ narratives of sexualised risk in alcohol intoxication contexts ( Journal of Youth Studies
Tokle, R., Stefansen, K., Solstad, G.M. og Buvik, K. (2023). «Fulle jenter er lette bytter»: Seksuell risiko og beskyttelsesstrategier blant ungdom på fest (