This course focuses on the concepts of culture and identity from a Nordic perspective and how it manifests in schools and kindergartens in the present-day globalized world.
Admission requirements
This course is designed for students from early childhood/preschool and primary school teacher education programmes, but students from other relevant academic areas may also be accepted.
You must:
- Students must have completed at least one year of undergraduate degree studies at their home institution.
- Students must have a valid police clearance. Your home institution must confirm to OsloMet that they have received a valid police clearance which allows you to work with children and vulnerable groups within 1st December prior to your course start at OsloMet.
How to apply
International exchange students select courses when applying for exchange.
The application deadline is 1 October.
We will investigate and discuss the complex matter of Culture and Identity and have a special focus on early childhood and education in Norway.
We live in a global world and have become internationally conscious to a degree that was unthinkable in previous generations. This globalisation affects everybody, including children in kindergartens and schools. Many children are also brought up in a country different from their parents’ home-country.
The course treats the concepts of Culture and Identity from a theoretical perspective, as well as from a practical point of view. The cultural background of the participants will be a vital resource in our discussions. The setting of Oslo, as an increasingly multicultural city, will also be an arena for contextualisation.
- Cultural Identity and Cultural Awareness
- Childhood and Identity Construction
- Intercultural Communication, theory and practical experience
- Culture and World-View
- Culture and Religion
- Culture and Ethics
- Human Rights and Childhood
- Cultural Identity and Racism
- Traditions, Festivals, and Rituals
- Processes of Globalisation
- Global Consciousness
- Cross-Cultural Competence
- Social Commitment in a Globalised World
Teaching methods
You will visit kindergartens and schools for twelve days (30 ECTS) and six days (20 ECTS). In order to do this, you must hand in a valid police clearance from your home country at the beginning of the course.
Examples of excursions:
- 22 July Centre
- the International Museum of Children’s Art
- the Sami exhibition at the Norwegian Museum of Cultural History
- various places of worship such as a Christian church and a Muslim mosque
Course descriptions
For more information about this course, take a look at the course description (
There is no semester fee for exchange students.
Exam and assessment
The final course diploma will be based on:
- active participation in class, including individual presentation of one's own culture
- a minor paper on a subject treated in the course
- fieldwork paper, with following presentation in class
- Addition for the 30 ECTS option: final oral exam, based on the fieldwork and the course literature
Questions about this course?
You can contact us by e-mail if you have questions about this course.