Teacher Education in Practical and Aesthetic Subjects for Years 1 – 13, Design, Arts and Crafts

Bachelor's course
For exchange students

In this programme choice, emphasis is placed on the development and visualization of ideas towards a finished product, as well as theoretical reflection and understanding of art, design, and handicraft.

This five-year teacher training programme in design, art and craft is aimed at those who wants to become a teacher in primary and secondary schools, with an interest in creativity and who would like to work creatively with students.

  • Admission requirements

    This course is designed for students from primary to lower and secondary teacher education institutions. Students from other relevant educational areas may also be considered for admission.

    • Students must have completed at least one year of undergraduate degree studies at their home institution (for international students).
    • Students from other relevant academic areas may also be accepted.
  • How to apply

    International exchange students select courses when applying for exchange.

    Application deadline: 1 October.

  • Course description

    MLEST2300 Design, innovation and sustainability (20 ECTS)

    The course addresses issues relating to shapes and forms, materials and process work as set out in the current school curricula. 

    Environmental issues and sustainability are linked to the course and investigated through topics such as consumer culture and knowledge of materials in a national and international context. Reuse and redesign as well as technological innovations are highlighted from a subject didactics and socio-ethical perspective. Practical, exploratory work on materials, design and form is emphasised. 

    Teaching practice forms part of the course. The practice is intended to be an arena for systematic learning and takes place in collaboration with the training establishment. 

    The course forms part of an international semester.

    Studyinfo subject MLEST2300 2024 HØST (student.oslomet.no)

    MLEST2400 R&D assignment (10 ECTS)

    In this course, the student engages in a written and practical research and development (R&D) assignment focused on their profession. The assignment includes both subject I and professional subjects, and possibly also subject II. 

    The R&D assignment must shed light on issues related to the distinctiveness of practical and aesthetic subjects, their knowledge base, history, practical and aesthetic processes, and/or values. 

    In the R&D assignment, the student is expected to consider several practical and aesthetic subjects in relation to each other. Working on the R&D assignment requires a methodological approach, critical reflection and independent work from the beginning and throughout the course. 

    The course is part of an international semester. 

    Studyinfo subject MLEST2400 2024 HØST (student.oslomet.no)

  • Costs

    There is no semester fee for exchange students.

Questions about this course?

Contact our administrative coordinator by e-mail if you have questions about this course.

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