Avoid the letters æ, ø, å in the file name of your EndNote library. This may cause the EndNote file to become defective.
To save a copy of your EndNote library on to a USB flash drive, or to send it as an attachment to an email, you usually need to compress the library because of its size.
How to compress your library:
- File > Compressed library (.enlx) and check the boxes of your choice.
- When selecting Create & Email: specify the file name and location where you want the compressed file to be saved. An email with the attached file will then be opened.
- The compressed file then gets the .enlx ending, and when EndNote opens this type of file, the .enl file is automatically saved with the library itself and a .Data-folder with all its related files.
NB! When you open an .enlx attachment from, for example, an email, be sure to save the file to the folder in which you want it. Otherwise, it will remain as a temporary file.
How to create a stand-alone bibliography / reference list
In EndNote:
- Select the references to be included in the reference list (hold down the Ctrl (pc) or Cmd (Mac) key to select more).
- Copy the selected references (Ctrl+K / Cmd+K).
- Paste (Ctrl+V / Cmd+V) into the Word document, where you want the stand-alone reference list.