Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Willumsen Laake, Anniken Lucia
; Roaldset, John Olav;
Husum, Tonje Lossius
; Bjørkly, Stål Kapstø; Gustavsen, Carina C.; Grenabo, Sara Teresia;
Lockertsen, Øyvind
Predictive accuracy of the Violence Risk Assessment Checklist for Youth in acute institutions-A prospective naturalistic multicenter study.
European psychiatry.
Willumsen Laake, Anniken Lucia
; Roaldset, John Olav;
Husum, Tonje Lossius
; Bjørkly, Stål Kapstø; Gustavsen, Carina C.;
Lockertsen, Øyvind
Interrater reliability of the violence risk assessment checklist for youth: a case vignette study.
BMC Psychiatry.
Vol. 24.
Winters, Georgia M.; Colombino, Niki; Schaaf, Sarah;
Laake, Anniken L.W.
; Jeglic, Elizabeth L.; Calkins, Cynthia
Why do child sexual abuse victims not tell anyone about their abuse? An exploration of factors that prevent and promote disclosure.
25 s.
Behavioral sciences & the law.
Vol. 38.