Klinisk kreftforskning Psykososial kreftomsorg Kreftsykepleie Kreftbehandling Eldre Kreftpasienter
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Kleven, Anne Grethe
; Miaskowski, Christine;
Torstveit, Ann Helen
; Ritchie, Christine Seel; Engh, Marie Ellström; Andersen, Elin;
Utne, Inger
Quality of life of older gynecologic oncology patients at the initiation of chemotherapy.
Nursing Open.
Vol. 10.
Torstveit, Ann Helen
; Miaskowski, Christine;
Løyland, Borghild
Grov, Ellen Karine
; Ritchie, Christine Seel; Paul, Steven M; Engh, Anna Marie Ellström;
Utne, Inger
Characteristics associated with decrements in objective
measures of physical function in older patients with cancer
during chemotherapy.
Supportive Care in Cancer.
Vol. 30.
Utne, Inger
Stokke, Kjersti
; Ritchie, Christine Seel;
Løyland, Borghild
Grov, Ellen Karine
; Rasmussen, Hege Lund; Lindemann, Kristina Yvonne Kathe; Paul, Steven M;
Torstveit, Ann Helen
; Miaskowski, Christine
Changes in Subjective Measures of Cognitive Function in Older Adults From the Initiation Through 12 Months After the Receipt of Chemotherapy.
Cancer Nursing.
Vol. 46.
Torstveit, Ann Helen
; Miaskowski, Christine;
Løyland, Borghild
Grov, Ellen Karine
; Guren, Marianne Grønlie; Ritchie, Christine Seel; Paul, Steven M.;
Kleven, Anne Grethe
Utne, Inger
Common and distinct characteristics associated with self-reported functional status in older patients with cancer receiving chemotherapy.
European Journal of Oncology Nursing.
Vol. 54:102033.
Utne, Inger
Løyland, Borghild
Grov, Ellen Karine
; Rasmussen, Hege Lund;
Torstveit, Ann Helen
; Paul, Steven M.; Ritchie, Christine Seel; Lindemann, Kristina Yvonne Kathe; Vistad, Ingvild; Rodriguez-Aranda, Claudia; Miaskowski, Christine
Age-related differences in self-report and objective measures of cognitive function in older patients prior to chemotherapy.
12 s.
Nursing Open.
Gaudernack, Henrik; Hareide, Martine; Miaskowski, Christine; Ritchie, Christine;
Løyland, Borghild
Grov, Ellen Karine
; Paul, Steven M;
Torstveit, Ann Helen
Utne, Inger
Symptom experience of older oncology patients with low versus high levels of multimorbidity prior to chemotherapy.
European Journal of Oncology Nursing.
Vol. 54.
Torstveit, Ann Helen
Løyland, Borghild
Grov, Ellen Karine
; Guren, Marianne; Paul, Steven M.; Ritchie, Christine; Vistad, Ingvild; Miaskowski, Christine;
Utne, Inger
Distinctions Between Self-Report and Performance-Based Measures of Physical Function in Older Patients Prior to Chemotherapy.
Cancer Nursing.
Vol. 44.
Utne, Inger
Løyland, Borghild
Grov, Ellen Karine
; Rasmussen, Hege Lund;
Torstveit, Ann Helen
; Cooper, Bruce A.; Mastick, Judy; Mazor, Melissa; Wong, Melisa; Paul, Steven M.; Conley, Thierry Jahan; Jahan, Thierry; Ritchie, Christine; Levine, John D.; Miaskowski, Christine
Distinct attentional function profiles in older adults receiving cancer chemotherapy.
8 s.
European Journal of Oncology Nursing.
Vol. 36.