Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Joaquin-Damas, Elienai; Mamelund, Svenn-Erik ; Schneider, Benjamin ; Sánchez-Hernández, Beatriz E.; Patishtán-López, Amanda; Bleichrodt, Amanda; Chowell-Puente, Gerardo (2024). Evaluating COVID-19 Impact, Vaccination, Birth Registration, and Underreporting in a Predominantly Indigenous Population in Chiapas, Mexico. BMC Infectious Diseases.
Schneider, Benjamin
Technological change and work.
3 s.
European Review of Economic History.
Vol. 28.
Dimka, Jessica;
Schneider, Benjamin
Mamelund, Svenn-Erik
Protocol for a systematic review to understand the long-term mental-health effects of influenza pandemics in the pre-COVID-19 era.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
Schneider, Benjamin
Review of Claudia Goldin, Career and Family: Women’s Century-Long Journey toward Equity.
Journal of the History of Economic Thought (JHET).
Humphries, Jane;
Schneider, Benjamin
Gender equality, growth, and how a technological trap destroyed female work.
Economic History of Developing Regions.
Humphries, Jane;
Schneider, Benjamin
Losing the thread: a response to Robert Allen.
The Economic History Review.
Humphries, Jane;
Schneider, Benjamin
Spinning the industrial revolution.
The Economic History Review.