Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Berdal, Gunnhild
Kjeken, Ingvild
; Linge, Anita Dyb; Aasvold, Ann Margret; Tennebø, Kjetil; Eppeland, Siv Grødal; Hagland, Anne Sirnes; Ohldieck-Fredheim, Guro; Valaas, Helene Lindtvedt; Bø, Ingvild; Klokkeide, Åse; Azimi, Maryam; Dager, Turid Nygaard; Sand-Svartrud, Anne-Lene
Examining the Building Blocks of Health Behavior Change in Rheumatology Rehabilitation: A Theory-Driven Qualitative Study.
13 s.
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare.
Vol. 17.
Berdal, Gunnhild
; Sand-Svartrud, Anne-Lene; Linge, Anita Dyb; Aasvold, Ann Margret; Tennebø, Kjetil; Eppeland, Siv Grødal; Hagland, Anne Sirnes; Ohldieck-Fredheim, Guro; Hansen, Helene Lindtvedt; Bø, Ingvild; Klokkeide, Åse; Sexton, Joseph; Azimi, Maryam; Dager, Turid Nygaard;
Kjeken, Ingvild
Does follow-up really matter? A convergent mixed methods study exploring follow-up across levels of care in rehabilitation of patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases.
Disability and Rehabilitation.
Berdal, Gunnhild
; Sand-Svartrud, Anne-Lene; Linge, Anita Dyb; Aasvold, Ann Margret; Tennebø, Kjetil; Eppeland, Siv Grødal; Hagland, Anne Sirnes; Ohldieck-Fredheim, Guro; Hansen, Helene Lindtvedt; Bø, Ingvild; Klokkeide, Åse; Sexton, Joseph; Azimi, Maryam; Dager, Turid Nygaard;
Kjeken, Ingvild
Bridging gaps across levels of care in rehabilitation of patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases: Results from a stepped-wedge cluster randomized controlled trial.
Clinical Rehabilitation.
Sand-Svartrud, Anne-Lene;
Berdal, Gunnhild
; Aanerud, Gerd Jenny; Azimi, Maryam; Bjørnerud, Anne Merete; Dager, Turid Nygaard; van den Ende, Cornelia Helena Maria; Johansen, Inger; Hansen, Helene Lindtvedt; Dagfinrud, Hanne;
Kjeken, Ingvild
Delivery of a quality improvement program in team-based rehabilitation for patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases: a mixed methods study.
13 s.
Disability and Rehabilitation.
Sand-Svartrud, Anne-Lene;
Berdal, Gunnhild
; Azimi, Maryam; Bø, Ingvild; Dager, Turid Nygaard; Eppeland, Siv Grødal; Fredheim, Guro Ohldieck; Hagland, Anne Sirnes; Klokkeide, Åse; Linge, Anita; Sexton, Joseph; Tennebø, Kjetil; Hansen, Helene Lindtvedt; Mjøsund, Kristin; Dagfinrud, Hanne;
Kjeken, Ingvild
Associations between quality of health care and clinical outcomes in patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases: a rehabilitation cohort study.
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders.
Vol. 23.
Sand-Svartrud, Anne-Lene;
Berdal, Gunnhild
; Azimi, Maryam; Bø, Ingvild; Dager, Turid Nygaard; Eppeland, Siv Grødal; Fredheim, Guro Ohldieck; Hagland, Anne Sirnes; Klokkeide, Åse; Linge, Anita; Tennebø, Kjetil; Valaas, Helene Lindtvedt; Aasvold, Ann Margret; Dagfinrud, Hanne;
Kjeken, Ingvild
A quality indicator set for rehabilitation services for people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases demonstrates adequate responsiveness in a pre–post evaluation.
15 s.
BMC Health Services Research.
Vol. 21.
Hamnes, Bente;
Berdal, Gunnhild
; Bø, Ingvild;
Kjeken, Ingvild
Patients' experiences with goal pursuit after discharge from rheumatology rehabilitation: A qualitative study.
10 s.
Musculoskeletal Care.
Berdal, Gunnhild
; Bø, Ingvild; Dager, Turid Nygaard; Dingsør, Anne; Eppeland, Siv Grødal; Hagfors, Jon; Hamnes, Bente; Mowinckel, Petter; Nielsen, Merete; Sand-Svartrud, Anne-Lene; Slungaard, Bente; Wigers, Sigrid Hørven; Hagen, Kåre Birger; Dagfinrud, Hanne;
Kjeken, Ingvild
Structured goal planning and supportive telephone followup in rheumatology care: results from a pragmatic stepped‐wedge cluster‐randomized trial.
31 s.
Arthritis care & research.
Vol. 70.
Berdal, Gunnhild
; Sand-Svartrud, Anne-Lene; Bø, Ingvild; Dager, Turid Nygaard; Dingsør, Anne; Eppeland, Siv Grødal; Hagfors, Jon; Hamnes, Bente; Nielsen, Merete; Slungaard, Bente; Wigers, Sigrid Hørven; Hagen, Kåre Birger; Dagfinrud, Hanne;
Kjeken, Ingvild
Aiming for a healthier life: a qualitative content analysis of rehabilitation goals in patients with rheumatic diseases.
14 s.
Disability and Rehabilitation.
Vol. 40.
Dager, Turid Nygaard;
Kjeken, Ingvild
Berdal, Gunnhild
; Sand-Svartrud, Anne-Lene; Bø, Ingvild; Dingsør, Anne; Eppeland, Siv Grødal; Hagfors, Jon; Hamnes, Bente; Nielsen, Merete; Slungaard, Bente; Wigers, Sigrid Hørven; Hauge, Mona-Iren
Rehabilitation for patients with rheumatic diseases: Patient experiences of a structured goal planning and tailored follow-up programme.
8 s.
SAGE Open Medicine.
Vol. 5.