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Inger Marie Starholm

Inger Marie Starholm

Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Ramstrand, Nerrolyn; Gjøvaag, Terje ; Starholm, Inger Marie ; Rusaw, David (2019). Effects of knee orthoses on kinesthetic awareness and balance in healthy individuals. Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1177/2055668319852537

Gjøvaag, Terje ; Mirtaheri, Peyman ; Starholm, Inger Marie (2018). Carbohydrate and fat oxidation in persons with lower limb amputation during walking with different speeds. Prosthetics and orthotics international. Vol. 42.

Starholm, Inger Marie ; Mirtaheri, Peyman ; Kapetanovic, Nihad; Versto, Tarjei; Skyttemyr, Gjermund; Westby, Fredrik Tobias; Gjøvaag, Terje (2016). Energy expenditure of transfemoral amputees during floor and treadmill walking with different speeds. 7 s. Prosthetics and orthotics international. Vol. 40.

Gjøvaag, Terje ; Starholm, Inger Marie ; Mirtaheri, Peyman ; Wiig Hegge, Fride; Skjetne, Katrine (2014). Assessment of aerobic capacity and walking economy of transfemoral amputees. Prosthetics and orthotics international. Vol. 38.

Starholm, Inger Marie ; Gjøvaag, Terje ; Mengshoel, Anne Marit (2010). Energy expenditure of transfemoral amputees walking on a horizontal and tilted treadmill simulating different outdoor walking conditions. Prosthetics and orthotics international. Vol. 34.

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