Miljøteknologi Kognitiv psykologi
Informatikk Databehandling Estimering Kvalitetssikring Prosessforbedring Systemutvikling
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Nordbotten, Jan Martin; Fernø, Martin; Flemisch, Bernd; Juanes, Ruben;
Jørgensen, Magne
Experimentally assessing the uncertainty of forecasts of geological carbon storage.
12 s.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control.
Vol. 135.
Molléri, Jefferson; Lassenius, Casper;
Jørgensen, Magne
Backsourcing of IT with focus on software development — A systematic literature review.
30 s.
Journal of Systems and Software.
Vol. 204.
Berg, Helene; Holgeid, Knut Kjetil;
Jørgensen, Magne
; Volden, Gro Holst
Successful IT projects – A multiple case study of benefits management practices.
Procedia Computer Science.
Vol. 219.
Dingsøyr, Torgeir;
Jørgensen, Magne
; Carlsen, Frode Odde; Carström, Lena; Engelsrud, Jens; Hansvold, Kine; Heibø-Bagheri, Mari; Røe, Kjetil; Sørensen, Karl Ove Vika
Enabling autonomous teams and continuous deployment at scale.
IT Professional Magazine.
Vol. 24.
Holgeid, Knut Kjetil;
Jørgensen, Magne
; Volden, Gro Holst; Berg, Helene
Realising benefits in public IT projects: A multiple case study.
18 s.
IET Software.
Vol. 7.
Jørgensen, Magne
; Halkjelsvik, Torleif; Liestøl, Knut
When should we (not) use the mean magnitude of relative error (MMRE) as an error measure in software development effort estimation?.
4 s.
Information and Software Technology.
Vol. 143.
Jørgensen, Magne
; Escott, Eban
Relative estimates of software development effort: Are they more accurate or less time-consuming to produce than absolute estimates, and to what extent are they person-independent?.
9 s.
Information and Software Technology.
Vol. 143.
Berg, Helene; Holgeid, Knut Kjetil; Jørgensen, Magne ; Volden, Gro Holst (2021). Hvordan lykkes med digitalisering? En undersøkelse av nyttestyring i IT-prosjekter i offentlig sektor. ISBN: 978-82-8433-005-1. 141 s. Ex ante akademisk forlag.
Holgeid, Knut Kjetil;
Jørgensen, Magne
; Sjøberg, Dag; Krogstie, John
Benefits management in software development: A systematic review of empirical studies.
23 s.
IET Software.
Vol. 15.
Halkjelsvik, Torleif;
Jørgensen, Magne
When 2 + 2 should be 5: The summation fallacy in time prediction.
13 s.
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making.