English version
Ørjan Nesse Vigdal

Ørjan Nesse Vigdal

Kort om

Jeg er førsteamanuensis ved Avdeling Fysioterapi, Institutt for rehabiliteringsvitenskap og helseteknologi, Fakultet for helsevitenskap. Her underviser og veileder jeg bachelorstudenter i fysioterapi i undersøkelse og behandling, anatomi, akademisk skriving og fysioterapipraksis.

Jeg er medlem av forskningsgruppen MUSKHealth. Mine primære forskningsinteresser og -aktiviteter er epidemiologi og prognose, gjerne knyttet til ryggsmerter. Min PhD var knyttet til kohortstudien Back Complaints in the Elders. 



Avsluttede forskningsprosjekter

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Feller, Daniel; Wingbermuhle, Roel; Berg, Bjørnar ; Vigdal, Ørjan Nesse ; Innocenti, Tiziano; Grotle, Margreth ; Ostelo, Raymond Willem Jozef Gerardus; Chiarotto, Alessandro (2024). Improvements Are Needed in the Adherence to the TRIPOD Statement for Clinical Prediction Models for Patients With Spinal Pain or Osteoarthritis: A Metaresearch Study. Journal of Pain.

Vigdal, Ørjan Nesse ; Flugstad, Solveig; Storheim, Kjersti ; Killingmo, Rikke Munk ; Grotle, Margreth (2024). Predictive validity of the STarT Back screening tool among older adults with back pain. European Journal of Pain.

Kretz, Lise; Axen, Iben; Stensrud, Silje ; Hoekstra, Trynke; Vigdal, Ørjan Nesse ; Killingmo, Rikke Munk ; Storheim, Kjersti ; Grotle, Margreth (2024). Identifying latent subgroups in the older population seeking primary health care for a new episode of back pain – findings from the BACE-N cohort. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. Vol. 25.

Vigdal, Ørjan Nesse ; Storheim, Kjersti ; Killingmo, Rikke Munk ; Rysstad, Tarjei Langseth ; Pripp, Are Hugo ; van der Gaag, Wendelien; Chiarotto, Alessandro; Koes, Bart W.; Grotle, Margreth (2023). External validation and updating of prognostic prediction models for nonrecovery among older adults seeking primary care for back pain. 9 s. Pain. Vol. 164.

Vigdal, Ørjan Nesse ; Storheim, Kjersti ; Killingmo, Rikke Munk ; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova ; Grotle, Margreth (2022). The one-year clinical course of back-related disability and the prognostic value of comorbidity among older adults with back pain in primary care. Pain. Vol. 164.

Killingmo, Rikke Munk ; Storheim, Kjersti ; van der Windt, Danielle; Zolic-Karlsson, Zinajda; Vigdal, Ørjan Nesse ; Kretz, Lise; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova ; Grotle, Margreth (2022). Healthcare utilization and related costs among older people seeking primary care due to back pain: Findings from the BACE-N cohort study. BMJ Open. Vol. 12.

Killingmo, Rikke Munk ; Chiarotto, Alessandro; van der Windt, Danielle; Storheim, Kjersti ; Bierma-Zienstra, Sita; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova ; Zolic-Karlsson, Zinajda; Vigdal, Ørjan Nesse ; Koes, Bart W.; Grotle, Margreth (2022). Modifiable prognostic factors of high costs related to healthcare utilization among older people seeking primary care due to back pain: an identification and replication study. BMC Health Services Research. Vol. 22.

Kjønø, Lise Grethe ; Killingmo, Rikke Munk ; Vigdal, Ørjan Nesse ; Grotle, Margreth ; Storheim, Kjersti (2022). Assessing physical workload among people with musculoskeletal disorders: validity and reliability of the physical workload questionnaire. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. Vol. 23.

Vigdal, Ørjan Nesse ; Storheim, Kjersti ; Killingmo, Rikke Munk ; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova ; Grotle, Margreth (2021). Characteristics of older adults with back pain associated with choice of first primary care provider: a cross-sectional analysis from the BACE-N cohort study. BMJ Open. Vol. 11:e053229.

Tingulstad, Alexander; Killingmo, Rikke Munk ; Grotle, Margreth ; Vigdal, Ørjan Nesse ; Storheim, Kjersti ; Langhammer, Birgitta (2019). Back beliefs among elderly seeking health care due to back pain; psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the back beliefs questionnaire. 8 s. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. Vol. 20.

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