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Sabreen Selvik

Sabreen Selvik




Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Selvik, Sabreen (2024). A Constructivist Grounded Theory Approach to the School Experiences of Children Living at Refuges for Abused Women: Methodological Challenges and Possibilities. Keane, Elaine; Thornberg, Robert (Red.). The Routledge International Handbook of Constructivist Grounded Theory in Educational Research. Routledge.

Selvik, Sabreen ; Herrebrøden, Marte Karoline (2024). Teacher experiences under COVID-19 pandemic school reopening periods: A window of opportunity for adapted education. Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies. Vol. 139.

Selvik, Sabreen ; Øverlien, Carolina (2023). School experiences of children experiencing domestic violence. Taylor, Julie; Bates, Elizabeth A (Red.). Children and Adolescent’s Experiences of Violence and Abuse at Home: Current Theory, Research and Practitioner Insights. s. 95-106. Routledge.

Helleve, Ingrid; Selvik, Sabreen (2023). Læreren usikkerhet i møte med elever som opplever vol i nære relasjoner. Bedre Skole. Vol. 1.

Selvik, Sabreen ; Helleve, Ingrid (2022). Understanding Teachers' Uncertainty in Encounters with Pupils with Experiences of Domestic Violence. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

Selvik, Sabreen ; Thjømøe, Cathrine (2021). Children Fleeing Domestic Violence to Emergency Accommodations: Education Rights and Experiences. 12 s. Journal of Family Violence. Vol. 36.

Selvik, Sabreen (2018). School strategies of children with multiple relocations at refuges for abused women. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

Selvik, Sabreen ; Raaheim, Arild; Øverlien, Carolina (2016). Children with multiple stays at refuges for abused women and their experiences of teacher recognition. European Journal of Psychology of Education. Vol. Published ahead of print.

Selvik, Sabreen ; Øverlien, Carolina (2014). Children with multiple stays at Nordic refuges for abused women: conclusions, challenges and causes for concern. Nordic Social Work Research.

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