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Aktive forskningsprosjekter
Smart utvikling av nano-antibiotika
Dette prosjektet handler om legemiddelutvikling av nye antibakterielle stoffer, såkalte bakteriosiner, ved bruk av nanoteknologi og kunstig intelligens.
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Amer, Ahmed
Charnock, Colin
Nguyen, Sanko
The impact of surface charge on the interaction of cholesterol-free fusogenic liposomes with planktonic microbial cells and biofilms.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics.
Vol. 669.
Amer, Ahmed
Charnock, Colin
Nguyen, Sanko
Novel Teixobactin Analogues Show Promising In Vitro Activity on Biofilm Formation by Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis.
Current Microbiology.
Vol. 81.
Nguyen, Sanko
; Hiorth, Marianne
Intraorale formuleringer - moderne produkter og potensialet i fremtidige nanobaserte formuleringer.
Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift (NFT).
Vol. 5.
Bhandari, Madhavi
Nguyen, Sanko
; Yazdani, Mazyar;
Utheim, Tor Paaske
Hagesæther, Ellen
The Therapeutic Benefits of Nanoencapsulation in Drug Delivery to the Anterior Segment of the Eye: A Systematic Review.
Frontiers in Pharmacology.
Vol. 13.
Nguyen, Sanko
; Escudero, Carlos; Sediqi, Nadia; Smistad, Gro; Hiorth, Marianne
Fluoride loaded polymeric nanoparticles for dental delivery.
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Vol. 104.
Nguyen, Sanko
; Smistad, Gro; Rykke, Morten; Hiorth, Marianne
Nanoparticulate Systems for Dental Drug Delivery.
Arias, Jose L. (Red.).
Nanotechnology and Drug Delivery - volume II: Nano-Engineering Strategies and Nanomedicines Against Severe Diseases.. s. 52-74.
CRC Press.
Nguyen, Sanko
; Adamczak, Malgorzata Iwona; Hiorth, Marianne; Smistad, Gro; Kopperud, Hilde Beate M.
Interactions of liposomes with dental restorative materials.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces.
Vol. 136.
Nguyen, Sanko
; Hiorth, Marianne
Advanced drug delivery systems for local treatment of the oral cavity.
Therapeutic delivery.
Vol. 6.
Nguyen, Sanko
; Hiorth, Marianne; Rykke, Morten; Smistad, Gro
Polymer coated liposomes for dental drug delivery - Interactions with parotid saliva and dental enamel.
8 s.
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Vol. 50.
Nguyen, Sanko
; Alund, Siv Jorunn; Hiorth, Marianne; Kjøniksen, Anna-Lena; Smistad, Gro
Studies on pectin coating of liposomes for drug delivery.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces.
Vol. 88.