Onkologi Ernæring Geriatri Nevrologi
Crosscare-Old: A cross sectoral approach to high quality healthcare transitions for older people
Prosjektets hovedmål er å utvikle ny forskningsbasert kunnskap om tverrsektorielle omsorgs- og helsetjenesteoverganger for eldre pasienter fra sykehusutskriving til kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester.
«Leve hele livet» – Følge- og resultatevaluering
Evalueringen skal se på prosess, virkemidler, resultat og gevinster av eldrereformen «Leve hele livet».
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Koteng, Lisa Heide; Sand, Kari; Paur, Ingvild;
Bye, Asta
; Ervik, Bente; Solheim, Tora S;
Ottestad, Inger
; Balstad, Trude Rakel
Exploring the barriers to diagnosing malnutrition in patients with cancer: A study on oncologists' perspectives.
12 s.
Clinical Nutrition Open Science.
Vol. 58.
Sletten, Reidun; Jordhøy, Marit Slaaen; Oldervoll, Line Merethe; Skjellegrind, Håvard Kjesbu; Saltyte Benth, Jurate; Åstrøm, Lennart; Kirkevold, Øyvind; Bergh, Sverre; Grønberg, Bjørn Henning;
Rostoft, Siri
Bye, Asta
; Mork, Paul Jarle; Christiansen, Ola
Self-reported health, function, and use of health care services in older prostate cancer survivors compared to matched controls: a cross-sectional study.
Journal of cancer survivorship.
Balstad, Trude Rakel; Bråtveit, Marianne; Solheim, Tora S; Koteng, Lisa Heide;
Bye, Asta
; Jakobsen, Rasmus Dahl; Schødt-Osmo, Bente; Fjeldstad, Siv Hilde; Erichsen, Marianne; Vagnildhaug, Ola Magne; Paur, Ingvild;
Ottestad, Inger
Validity of dietary intake methods in cancer cachexia.
8 s.
Current opinion in supportive and palliative care.
Vol. 18.
Lunde, Pernille
; Grimsmo, Jostein;
Nilsson, Birgitta Blakstad
Bye, Asta
Finbråten, Hanne Søberg
Health literacy in patients participating in cardiac rehabilitation: A prospective cohort study with pre-post-test design.
International Journal of Cardiology: Cardiovascular Risk and Prevention (IJCCRP).
Vol. 22.
Urrizola, Amaia; Dajani, Olav; Aass, Nina Kathrine; Bjerkeset, Ellen; Hjermstad, Marianne Jensen; Kaasa, Stein; Klepstad, Pål; Pirnat, Aleksandra; Raanes, Ida Ervik; Stensheim, Hanne;
Bye, Asta
Nutrition impact symptom monitoring and weight loss outcomes: a longitudinal radiotherapy study.
BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.
Jordhøy, Marit Slaaen; Røyset, Inga Marie; Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina; Grønberg, Bjørn Henning; Halsteinli, Vidar; Døhl, Øystein; Vossius, Corinna Elisabeth; Kirkevold, Øyvind; Bergh, Sverre;
Rostoft, Siri
; Oldervoll, Line Merethe;
Bye, Asta
; Melby, Line Kari; Røsstad, Tove Garåsen; Eriksen, Guro Falk; Sollid, May Ingvild Volungholen; Rolfson, Darryl; Saltyte Benth, Jurate
Geriatric assessment with management for older patients with cancer receiving radiotherapy: a cluster-randomised controlled pilot study.
19 s.
BMC Medicine.
Vol. 22.
Yule, Michael S.; Thompson, Joshua; Leesahatsawat, Khachonphat; Sousa, Mariana S.; Anker, Stefan D.; Arends, Jann; Balstad, Trude Rakel; Brown, Leo R.;
Bye, Asta
; Dajani, Olav; Fallon, Marie; Hjermstad, Marianne Jensen; Jakobsen, Gunnhild; McDonald, James; McGovern, Josh; Roeland, Eric J.; Sayers, Judith; Skipworth, Richard J.E.;
Ottestad, Inger
; Philips, Iain; Simpson, Melanie Rae; Solheim, Tora S; Vagnildhaug, Ola Magne; McMillan, Donald; Laird, Barry J; Dolan, Ross D.
Biomarker endpoints in cancer cachexia clinical trials: Systematic Review 5 of the cachexia endpoint series.
Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle.
Brown, Leo R.; Sousa, Mariana S.; Yule, Michael S.; Baracos, Vickie E.; McMillan, Donald C.; Arends, Jann; Balstad, Trude Rakel;
Bye, Asta
; Dajani, Olav; Dolan, Ross D.; Fallon, Marie T.; Greil, Christine; Hjermstad, Marianne Jensen; Jakobsen, Gunnhild; Maddocks, Matthew; McDonald, James;
Ottestad, Inger
; Phillips, Iain; Sayers, Judith; Simpson, Melanie Rae; Vagnildhaug, Ola Magne; Solheim, Tora S; Laird, Barry J; Skipworth, Richard J.E.
Body weight and composition endpoints in cancer cachexia clinical trials: Systematic Review 4 of the cachexia endpoints series.
Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle.
Hjermstad, Marianne Jensen; Jakobsen, Gunnhild; Arends, Jann; Balstad, Trude Rakel; Brown, Leo R.;
Bye, Asta
; Coats, Andrew J.S.; Dajani, Olav; Dolan, Ross D.; Fallon, Marie T.; Greil, Christine; Grzyb, Alexandra; Kaasa, Stein; Koteng, Lisa Heide; May, Anne M.; McDonald, James;
Ottestad, Inger
; Philips, Iain; Roeland, Eric J.; Sayers, Judith; Simpson, Melanie Rae; Skipworth, Richard J.E.; Solheim, Tora S; Sousa, Mariana S.; Vagnildhaug, Ola Magne; Laird, Barry J.A.
Quality of life endpoints in cancer cachexia clinical trials: Systematic review 3 of the cachexia endpoints series.
Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle.
Olsen, Sissel Urke;
; Aas, Anne-Marie; Ranhoff, Anette Hylen;
Pripp, Are Hugo
Hesseberg, Karin
Sunde, Sylvia
Bye, Asta
The incidence and mortality of refeeding syndrome in older hospitalized patients, based on three different diagnostic criteria: A longitudinal study.
6 s.
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN.
Vol. 61.