Helsefag Sosialt arbeid Samfunnsvitenskap Medisinsk genetikk Humaniora
Livskvalitet Mestring Psykisk helse / mental helse Psykososialt arbeid Helserelatert livskvalitet Sosiale medier Covid-19
Aktive forskningsprosjekter
Psykisk helse hos ansatte i barnevernet
Formålet med denne studien er å undersøke sammenhengen mellom arbeidshverdag og psykisk helse hos ansatte i ulike deler av barnevernet.
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Olkowska, Alicja
Geirdal, Amy Østertun
; Nerdrum, Per
Psykisk helse hos ansatte i barnevernet
Barnevernsansattes opplevelser av belastninger knyttet til arbeid i barnevernet.
Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern.
Vol. 101.
Geirdal, Amy Østertun
; Nerdrum, Per;
Olkowska, Alicja
Mental health and quality of life among Norwegian child welfare service workers.
European Journal of Social Work.
Ragnhildsløkken, Hege;
Bonsaksen, Tore
; Aakhus, Eivind; Kabelenga, Isaac; Lamph, Gary; Price, Daicia;
Geirdal, Amy Østertun
Social Media Use and Associations with Psychological Distress Among Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Social Sciences.
Vol. 13.
Price, Daicia;
Bonsaksen, Tore
; Leung, Janni; Ruffolo, Mary; Lamph, Gary; Hawkins, Karis;
Geirdal, Amy Østertun
The Psychosocial Health of Black/African Americans Compared with People of Other Races/Ethnic Origins during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
11 s.
Vol. 4.
Bonsaksen, Tore
Thygesen, Hilde
; Leung, Janni; Lamph, Gary; Kabelenga, Isaac;
Geirdal, Amy Østertun
Patterns of Social Media Use across Age Groups during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study across Four Countries.
Social Sciences.
Vol. 13.
Geirdal, Amy Østertun
; Leung, Janni; Price, Daicia; Kabelenga, Isaac; Lamph, Gary;
Thygesen, Hilde
; Ruffolo, Mary;
Bonsaksen, Tore
Associations Between Demographic Variables, Psychosocial Health, Quality of Life, and Happiness in the Context of COVID-19.
Applied Research in Quality of Life.
Leung, Janni; Price, Daicia;
Bonsaksen, Tore
; Ruffolo, Mary;
Thygesen, Hilde
; McClure-Thomas, Caitlin; Schoultz, Mariyana;
Geirdal, Amy Østertun
Schooling-at-Home and Extra Child-Caring Responsibilities were Associated with Parental Mental Health, Psychosocial Well-Being, and Loneliness.
Social Education Research (SER).
Vol. 5.
Price, Daicia;
Bonsaksen, Tore
; Leung, Janni; McClure-Thomas, Caitlin; Ruffolo, Mary; Lamph, Gary; Kabelenga, Isaac;
Geirdal, Amy Østertun
Factors Associated with Trust in Public Authorities Among Adults in Norway, UK, US, and Australia Two Years after the COVID-19 Outbreak.
6 s.
International Journal of Public Health.
Vol. 68.
Leung, Janni; Price, Daicia; McClure-Thomas, Caitlin;
Bonsaksen, Tore
; Ruffolo, Mary; Kabelenga, Isaac; Lamph, Gary;
Geirdal, Amy Østertun
Motivation and Hesitancies in Obtaining the COVID-19 Vaccine—A Cross-Sectional Study in Norway, USA, UK, and Australia.
Vol. 11.
Velvin, Gry; Dammann, Brede; Haagensen, Trond Dag; Johansen, Heidi; Strømme, Hilde;
Geirdal, Amy Østertun
; Bathen, Trine
Work participation in adults with rare genetic diseases - a scoping review.
17 s.
BMC Public Health.
Vol. 23.