Crosscare-Old: A cross sectoral approach to high quality healthcare transitions for older people
Prosjektets hovedmål er å utvikle ny forskningsbasert kunnskap om tverrsektorielle omsorgs- og helsetjenesteoverganger for eldre pasienter fra sykehusutskriving til kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester.
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Felberg Radanovic, Tatjana
Sagli, Gry
Hansen, Camilla
Langaas, Anne
Skaaden, Hanne
Patient education in multilingual groups of cardiac patients: Mission (im)possible?.
9 s.
PEC Innovation.
Vol. 4.
Langaas, Anne
; Svendsen, Thomas Solgård;
Sylliaas, Hilde
VM i gatefotball - en arena for støtte, samhandling og læring.
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid.
Vol. 20.
Øydvin, Katrine; Langaas, Anne ; Sylliaas, Hilde (2022). Psykomotorisk fysioterapi eller pandemisk nødløsning? Erfaringer med bruk av videokonsultasjon i psykomotorisk praksis. Fysioterapeuten. Vol. 2.
Olsen, Cecilie Fromholt
Bergland, Astrid
Bye, Asta
Debesay, Jonas
Langaas, Anne
Crossing knowledge boundaries: health care providers’ perceptions and experiences of what is important to achieve more person-centered patient pathways for older people.
BMC Health Services Research.
Olsen, Cecilie Fromholt
Bergland, Astrid
Debesay, Jonas
Bye, Asta
Langaas, Anne
Patient Flow or the Patient’s Journey? Exploring Health Care Providers’ Experiences and Understandings of Implementing a Care Pathway to Improve the Quality of Transitional Care for Older People.
Qualitative Health Research.
Vol. 31.
Langaas, Anne
; Middelthon, Anne-Lise Orvin
An inquiry into Kjølstad's self-straightening orthopedics in 19th century Norway - One historical root of physiotherapy.
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice.
Olsen, Cecilie Fromholt
Debesay, Jonas
Bergland, Astrid
Bye, Asta
Langaas, Anne
What matters when asking, “what matters to you?” — perceptions and experiences of health care providers on involving older people in transitional care.
BMC Health Services Research.
Vol. 20.
Langaas, Anne ; Middelthon, Anne-Lise Orvin (2020). Bodily ways of knowing: How students learn about and through bodies during physiotherapy education. Nicholls, David; Groven, Karen Synne; Anjum, Rani Lill; Kinsella, Anne Elisabeth (Red.). Mobilizing Knowledge in Physiotherapy Critical Reflections on Foundations and Practices. s. 29-40. Routledge.
Sylliaas, Hilde
; Solgård Svendsen, Thomas;
Langaas, Anne
Eik, Hedda
Hvordan tilpasses fysioterapipraksis til sårbare brukergrupper? Fysioterapitilnærminger belyst gjennom teorier om tilfriskning og sosial bevisstgjøring.
Vol. 8.
Hartford Kvæl, Linda Aimee
Debesay, Jonas
Bye, Asta
Langaas, Anne
Bergland, Astrid
Choice, Voice, and Coproduction in Intermediate Care: Exploring Geriatric Patients’ and Their Relatives’ Perspectives on Patient Participation.
Sage Open.
Vol. 9.