Norwegian version
Anne Jansen

Anne Jansen


I am an Assistant professor in psychology at Department of Social Work, Child Welfare and Social Policy. I teach and supervise students on bachelor- and master levels in subjects as psychology and qualitative methods. My research interests are within developmental psychology, child welfare, and professions and professional qualification.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Social work   Developmental psychology

Subject areas

Philosophy of science   Qualitative methodologies

Scientific publications

Hogstad, Ingrid Johnsen; Jansen, Anne (2021). Parental death in young children’s lives: health professionals’ and kindergarten teachers’ contributions in meaning-making. Early Years. Vol. 43.

Hogstad, Ingrid Johnsen; Jansen, Anne (2020). Smart, vulnerable, playful or just disturbing? A discourse analysis of child involvement in palliative care. Childhood. Vol. 27.

Jansen, Anne ; Andenæs, Agnes (2019). Hverdagsliv, barndom og oppvekst. Teoretiske posisjoner og metodiske grep. ISBN: 978-82-15-02979-5. 259 p. Universitetsforlaget.

Andenæs, Agnes; Jansen, Anne (2019). Innledning. Jansen, Anne; Andenæs, Agnes (Ed.). Hverdagsliv, barndom og oppvekst. Teoretiske posisjoner og metodiske grep. p. 11-25. Universitetsforlaget.

Jansen, Anne (2019). Barnevernets plass i fortellingene til unge i barnevernsinstitusjoner. Jansen, Anne; Andenæs, Agnes (Ed.). Hverdagsliv, barndom og oppvekst. Teoretiske posisjoner og metodiske grep. p. 101-119. Universitetsforlaget.

Jansen, Anne (2017). ‘It’s So Complex!’: Understanding the Challenges of Child Protection Work as Experienced by Newly Graduated Professionals. The British Journal of Social Work. Vol. 48.

Saur, Randi; Hansen, Marianne; Jansen, Anne ; Heir, Trond (2017). Visually impaired individuals, safety perceptions and traumatic events: a qualitative study of hazards, reactions and coping. Disability and Rehabilitation. Vol. 39.

Jansen, Anne ; Olsen, Bjørn; Stenseng, Terje; Ugelstad, Hanne (2015). «Dette ville jeg aldri snakket med en student om ellers». Ungdom som medveiledere for barnevernstudenter i praksis. Fontene forskning.

Jansen, Anne (2015). Positioning and subjectivation in research interviews: why bother talking to a researcher?. International Journal of Social Research Methodology: Theory and Practice. Vol. 18.

Jansen, Anne ; Andenæs, Agnes (2013). 'Heading for Japan': Prospective narratives and development among young people living in residential care. 16 p. Qualitative Social Work. Vol. 12.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete