Sosialantropologi Annen kulturvitenskap
Urbanisering Makt Kaste Klasse Urban antropologi Slum Kvinnebevegelse Politisk aktivisme Politikk, Sør-Asia, kvinner
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Waldrop, Anne
; Eriksen, Stein Sundstøl
A Cause, but no Rebels? Coping with Oppression in a New Delhi Slum.
Journal of Extreme Anthropology.
Waldrop, Anne
Why Women Exit Politics: The Case of Two Grassroots Activists in a Slum in New Delhi.
Journal of South Asian Development.
Waldrop, Anne
'Vi bor her fordi vi ikke har noe annet alternativ': Sårbar stillstand gjennom 40 år i en slum i New Delhi.
18 s.
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift.
Vol. 33.
Waldrop, Anne
Egden, Sissel
Getting Behind the Walls and Fences: Methodological Considerations of Gaining Access to Middle-class Women in Urban India.
Forum for Development Studies.
Vol. 45.
Barua, Padmaja
Waldrop, Anne
; Haukanes, Haldis
From benevolent maternalism to the market logic: exploring discursive boundary making in domestic work relations in India.
Critical Asian studies (Print).
Vol. 49.
Barua, Padmaja
; Haukanes, Haldis;
Waldrop, Anne
Maid in India: negotiating and contesting the boundaries of domestic work.
Forum for Development Studies.
Vol. 43.
Waldrop, Anne (2015). The Meaning of the Old School-Tie: Private Schools, Admission Procedures, and Class Segmentation. Thapan, Meenakshi (Red.). Education and Society: Themes, perspectives, practices. s. 405-427. Oxford University Press.
Waldrop, Anne ; Eriksen, Stein Sundstøl (2014). Gender and Democratization: The Politics of Two Female Grassroots Activists in New Delhi. Nielsen, Kenneth Bo; Waldrop, Anne (Red.). Women, Gender and Everyday Social Transformation in India. s. 105-121. Anthem Press.
Nielsen, Kenneth Bo ; Waldrop, Anne (2014). Women and Gender in a Changing India. Nielsen, Kenneth Bo; Waldrop, Anne (Red.). Women, Gender and Everyday Social Transformation in India. s. 1-18. Anthem Press.
Nielsen, Kenneth Bo ; Waldrop, Anne (2014). Women, Gender and Everyday Social Transformation in India. ISBN: 9781783082698. Anthem Press.