English version
Arnab Chaudhuri

Arnab Chaudhuri



Matematisk modellering og numeriske metoder

Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Hu, Albert Likang ; Badach, Joanna Maira ; Chaudhuri, Arnab (2025). Green infrastructure for resilient urban design: the mapping and management of green roofs in Oslo. Juuso, Esko; Ruuska, Jari; Mirlekar, Gaurav; Eriksson, Lars (Red.). The Proceedings of the 65th International Conference of Scandinavian Simulation Society SIMS 2024 and the Second SIMS-EUROSIM conference in Oulu, Finland September 11-12, 2024 . s. 257-265. Linköping University Electronic Press.

Shakori, Ramin; Chaudhuri, Arnab (2025). Life Cycle Analysis of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Concepts. Kioumarsi, Mahdi; Shafei, Behrouz (Red.). The 1st International Conference on Net-Zero Built Environment Innovations in Materials, Structures, and Management Practices. s. 1739-1748. Springer.

Gamst, Sindre Kalstad; Salo, Espen Fanøy; Eide, Eirik Smith; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera ; Chaudhuri, Arnab (2023). Characteristics of Viscosity of a Scale Inhibitor: An Experimental Study. 18 s. International journal of thermophysics. Vol. 44.

Wilberg, Sandra; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera ; Chaudhuri, Arnab (2022). Performance analysis of a solar thermal system coupled with a ground source heat pump in Nordic conditions. E3S Web of Conferences. Vol. 362.

Norbeck, Ole Martinius Harket; Sundsdal, Oda Martine; Nambully, Suresh Kumar; Chaudhuri, Arnab (2022). CFD modeling of the transport of human respiratory droplets in an indoor environment. Nord, Lars O.; Komulainen, Tiina M.; Netzer, Corinna; Mirlekar, Gaurav; Dongmo-Engeland, Berthe; Eriksson, Lars (Red.). Proceedings of the 63rd International Conference of Scandinavian Simulation Society, SIMS 2022, Trondheim, Norway, September 20-21, 2022. Linköping University Electronic Press.

Kihlberg, Fredrik; Formo Hermansen, Øystein; Chaudhuri, Arnab (2022). Unsteady flow analysis of hinged and sliding door openings. Nord, Lars O.; Komulainen, Tiina M.; Netzer, Corinna; Mirlekar, Gaurav; Dongmo-Engeland, Berthe; Eriksson, Lars (Red.). Proceedings of the 63rd International Conference of Scandinavian Simulation Society, SIMS 2022, Trondheim, Norway, September 20-21, 2022. Linköping University Electronic Press.

Jutulstad, Adele Helène Ninauve; Yang, Aileen; Schild, Peter G. ; Chaudhuri, Arnab ; Thunshelle, Kari (2022). Cooking emissions from typical Norwegian meals: basis for advanced exposure studies. Itard, Laura (Red.). Proceeding of the The 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress 22nd-25th May, Rotterdam, The Netherlands . TU Delft OPEN Publishing.

Jutulstad, Adele Helène Ninauve; Yang, Aileen; Schild, Peter G. ; Chaudhuri, Arnab ; Thunshelle, Kari (2022). Cooking habits and usage of kitchen hoods in Norwegian homes. Itard, Laura (Red.). Proceeding of the The 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress 22nd-25th May, Rotterdam, The Netherlands . TU Delft OPEN Publishing.

Lundblad, Jonathan; Andreassen, Nora; Olsen, Johanna; Chaudhuri, Arnab (2021). Evaluation of a novel 3-pipe solution for hydronic heat distribution in passive-house standard apartment buildings. Cao, Guangyu; Holøs, Sverre Bjørn; Kim, Moon-Keun; G. Schild, Peter (Red.). Healthy Buildings 2021 – Europe Proceedings of the 17th International Healthy Buildings Conference 21-23 June 2021 . s. 41-50. SINTEF akademisk forlag.

Reitan, Janne Beate ; Chaudhuri, Arnab (2021). FlexiDig – Flexible Digital Classroom Master students’ experiences with simple and flexible blended education. 24 s. FormAkademisk - Forskningstidsskriftet for design og designdidaktikk. Vol. 14.

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