Migrasjon Utviklingsstudier Kjønn og migrasjon Landsbyutvikling
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Vandsemb, Berit Helene (2014). Gender, Work and Social Change: Return Migration to Kerala. Nielsen, Kenneth Bo; Waldrop, Anne (Red.). Women, Gender and Everyday Social Transformation in India. s. 75-88. Anthem Press.
Vandsemb, Berit Helene (2014). Spontaneous Frontier Migration in Sri Lanka: Conflict and Cooperation in State-Migrant Relations. Brun, Cathrine; Blaikie, Piers; Jones, Michael (Red.). Alternative Development: Unravelling Marginalization, Voicing Change. s. 269-285. Ashgate.
Vandsemb, Berit Helene (1997). Spontaneous rural migration in Sri Lanka - the migrants and the determinants of migration. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift. Vol. 51.
Vandsemb, Berit Helene (1995). The Place of Narrative in the Study of Third World Migration. The Case of Spontaneous Rural Migration in Sri Lanka. Professional Geographer. Vol. 47.
Storm-Furru, Inger; Vandsemb, Berit Helene (1989). Agricultural intensification in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Impacts on farming practices, welfare and women's work. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift. Vol. 43.