Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Felberg Radanovic, Tatjana
Sagli, Gry
Hansen, Camilla
Langaas, Anne
Skaaden, Hanne
Patient education in multilingual groups of cardiac patients: Mission (im)possible?.
9 s.
PEC Innovation.
Vol. 4.
Sagli, Gry
Felberg Radanovic, Tatjana
Access to new forms of public healthcare services: patient experiences from interpreter-mediated cardiac rehabilitation.
FITISPos-International Journal (FITISPos-IJ).
Vol. 11.
Felberg Radanovic, Tatjana ; Sagli, Gry (2023). Training public service providers in how to communicate via interpreter. Gavioli, Laura; Wadensjö, Cecilia (Red.). The Routledge Handbook of Public Service Interpreting. Routledge.
Sagli, Gry
Skaaden, Hanne
Blended learning is here to stay! Combining on-line and on-campus learning in the education of public service interpreters.
Gavioli, Laura; Wadensjö, Cecilia (Red.).
The Routledge Handbook of Public Service Interpreting. s. 325-342.
Sagli, Gry ; Felberg Radanovic, Tatjana (2022). Hvilken kropp? Tolkefaget i samtale med medisinsk antropologi. Dahnberg, Magnus; Lindqvist, Yvonne (Red.). s. 17-27. Stockholms universitets förlag.
Felberg Radanovic, Tatjana
Sagli, Gry
Training Public Service Employees in How to Communicate Via Interpreter in Norway: Achievements and Challenges / Formación de los empleados de los servicios públicos sobre cómo comunicarse a través de los intérpretes en Noruega: Logros y desafíos.
14 s.
FITISPos-International Journal (FITISPos-IJ).
Vol. 6.
Sagli, Gry
Attentiveness to Nature in Learning Qigong in Norway.
Asian Medicine: Tradition and Modernity.
Vol. 12.
Hofer, Theresia;
Sagli, Gry
`Civilising’ Deaf people in Tibet and Inner Mongolia: governing linguistic, ethnic and bodily difference in China.
Disability & Society.
Vol. 32.
Sagli, Gry
Når trenger jeg å tilkalle tolk? Forskning om tolking i helsetjenesten.
21 s.
FLEKS - Scandinavian Journal of Intercultural Theory and practice.
Vol. 2.
Sagli, Gry
; Zhang, JInming; Ingstad, Benedicte; Fjeld, Heidi E
Poverty and disabled households in the People’s Republic of China: experiences with a new rural health insurance scheme.
Disability & Society.
Vol. 28.