Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Klungland, Monica; Jamouchi, Samira; Eriksen, Helen ; Hauen, Mali (2023). MATERIAL TOUCH. APRIA [Artez Platform for Research Interventions of the Arts].
Bayati, Zahra; Ulrichsen, Gry Olsen;
Eriksen, Helen
Dressing and Undressing Whiteness.
PARSE Journal.
Ulrichsen, Gry Olsen;
Eriksen, Helen
; Bayati, Zahra
Struggling to decolonise ourselves as an
antiracist act within the field of Nordic Community School of Music and Arts.
Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education.
Vol. 5.
Eriksen, Helen
; Ulrichsen, Gry Olsen; Bayati, Zahra
Stones and the Destabilisation of Safe Ethical Space.