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Jan-Erik Johansson

Jan-Erik Johansson



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Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Johansson, Jan-Erik (2022). Didactic and Curriculum in ECEC from a Froebelian standpoint. Global Education Review (GER). Vol. 9.

Johansson, Jan-Erik ; Pramling, Niklas; Samuelsson, Ingrid Pramling (2018). Förskolans utveckling och barns tidiga lärande. Klintberg, Wanda; Nyberg, Gudrun (Red.). s. 178-203. Carlssons Bokförlag.

Johansson, Jan-Erik (2017). F. A. W. Fröbel 1782–1852. Fleer, Marilyn; van Oers, Bert (Red.). International Handbook of Early Childhood Education. s. 1323-1346. Springer.

Johansson, Jan-Erik (2017). Preparation for school or developing as a child: 
Local curriculum or scripted instruction?. Journal of Early Childhood Studies. Vol. 11.

Johansson, Jan-Erik (2015). Förskola och estetik i ett historiskt perspektiv. Engdahl, Ingrid; Ärlemalm Hagsér, Eva (Red.). s. 158-161. Liber.

Alvestad, Torgeir; Bergem, Helen ; Eide, Brit Johanne; Johansson, Jan-Erik ; Os, Ellen ; Pálmadóttir, Hrönn; Pramling Samuelsson, Ingrid; Winger, Nina (2014). Challenges and dilemmas expressed by teachers working in toddler groups in the Nordic countries. 18 s. Early Child Development and Care. Vol. 184.

Johansson, Jan-Erik (2014). Do we have a Nordic model in ECEC? Past, present and future knowledge production from the horizons of staff, administration, politics and research, in a period of full provision for all children of under school age. N., N. (Red.). The 3rd Nordic ECEC conference in Oslo. Approaches in Nordic ECEC research: Current research and new perspectives. s. 38-41. Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training.

Johansson, Jan-Erik ; Pramling Samuelsson, Ingrid (2013). En demokratisk pedagogik i samspel med barnen. Greve, Anne; Mørreaunet, Sissel; Winger, Nina (Red.). Ytringer om likeverd, demokrati og relasjonsbygging i barnehagen. s. 91-103. Fagbokforlaget.

Johansson, Jan-Erik (2011). Är förskolan en kontinuerlig historia?. Williams, Pia; Sheridan, Sonja (Red.). s. 166-178. Liber.

Alvestad, Marit; Johansson, Jan-Erik ; Moser, Thomas; Frode, Søbstad (2009). Status og utfordringer i norsk barnehageforskning. Nordisk barnehageforskning (NBF). Vol. 2.

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