Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Witte, Ingrid; Strandberg, Thomas;
Gustafsson, Johanna
Does gender matter in Supported Employment? A qualitative study of participants' experiences.
15 s.
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation.
Vol. 61.
Karlsson, Elin; Manchaiah, Vinaya; Mäki-Torkko, Elina; Granberg, Sarah;
Gustafsson, Johanna
; Dahlström, Örjan; Widén, Stephen
Hearing and Functioning in Everyday Life Questionnaire: Psychometric Evaluation and Revision.
12 s.
American Journal of Audiology.
Vol. 33.
Witte, Ingrid; Strandberg, Thomas;
Gustafsson, Johanna
Social representations of gender and their influence in Supported Employment: employment specialists’ experiences in Sweden.
Disability and Rehabilitation.
Gustafsson, Johanna
; Witte, Ingrid; Starndberg, Thomas; Granberg, Sarah
Intersectional perspectives on the employment rate in Supported Employment for people with psychiatric, neuropsychiatric, or intellectual disabilities: A scoping review.
19 s.
Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation.
Vol. 74.