Kort om
Jeg har en doktorgrad i det tverrfaglige emnet Helse og samfunn og er førsteamanuensis i Helse og samfunn med spesialisering i sexologi og seksualitetsstudier. Ved OsloMet er jeg førsteamanuensis i Helsefremmende arbeid og involvert i flere forskningsprosjekter:
- Unge LHBTQ+-personer i sosialtjenesten (prosjektleder)
- Nordisk digital læreplan for LHBTI-kompetanse i høyere utdanninger for helse- og sosialfaglige profesjoner (prosjektmedarbeider)
- Skolehelsetjenestens arbeid med SEXIT (prosjektmedarbeider)
- Skolehelsetjenestens helsefremmende arbeid knyttet til SRHR (prosjektmedarbeider)
- Seksuell orientering og helse i relasjon til sosiale og økonomiske forhold (veileder ph.d.-student)
- Seksuell helse i rettspsykiatrien (veileder ph.d.-student)
I tillegg er jeg ansvarlig for og underviser i flere masterkurs i seksuell helse rettet mot helse- og velferdspersonell.
Psykososialt arbeid Sosialt arbeid Helsevitenskap Seksuell helse Ungdoms seksuelle og reproduktive helse Barnevernsforskning Helsesykepleie
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Amroussia, Nada;
Lindroth, Malin
; Andersson, Catrine
Negotiating belonging, risk and agency: discourses of sexuality among young people with migration experience in Southern Sweden.
Culture, Health and Sexuality.
Amroussia, Nada;
Lindroth, Malin
; Andersson, Catrine
Young people with migration experience and their (non) encounters with Swedish sexual and reproductive health services and information: An explorative study.
Journal of Migration and Health.
Vol. 10.
Björkas, Robin;
Lindroth, Malin
; Richert, Torkel
Child welfare workers’ understanding of young people's sexual health when conducting assessments due to substance use problems.
Children and Youth Services Review.
Vol. 164.
Lindskog, Anna;
Lindroth, Malin
; Holmgren, Kristina; Gunnarsson, Anna Birgitta
Balancing on a slack line – Staffs’ experiences of talking about sexuality and sexual health with patients cared for in forensic psychiatry in Sweden.
Frontiers in Psychiatry.
Vol. 15.
Bjørkas, Robin; Richert, Torkel;
Lindroth, Malin
Child welfare workers’ understanding of gender, sexual orientation and sexual health in assessments of youths with a problematic substance use.
European Journal of Social Work.
Lindroth, Malin
; Carlstrøm, Charlotta; Andersson, Catrine; Husen, Elin
Social Workers as Allies? Gender Confirming Practices and Institutional Limitations in Youth Residential Homes.
Clinical social work journal.
Andersson, Catrine; Carlstrøm, Charlotta; Amroussia, Nada;
Lindroth, Malin
Using Twelve-Step Treatment for Sex Addiction and Compulsive Sexual Behaviour (Disorder): A Systematic Review of the Literature.
Sexual Health & Compulsivity.
Vol. 31.
Arvidsson, Anna; Grander, Anette;
Lindroth, Malin
School health-care team members’ reflections of their promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR): Important but neglected.
Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare.
Vol. 39.
Carlstrøm, Charlotta; Andersson, Catrine;
Lindroth, Malin
LGBTQ+ Affirmative State Care for Young People in Sweden: New Knowledge and Old Traditions.
16 s.
The British Journal of Social Work.
Vol. 53.
Julia, Bahner;
Lindroth, Malin
Researchers With Benefits? Methodological and Ethical Challenges and Possibilities in Sexuality Research Within Marginalised Populations.
International Journal of Qualitative Methods (IJQM).
Vol. 22.