English version
Marissa Maciej-Hulme

Marissa Maciej-Hulme

Kort om

Marissa Maciej-Hulme develops new and original methods to purify and interrogate proteoglycan and GAG oligosaccharide structures using a combination of CRISPR editing, molecular techniques, enzyme, and chemical preparations, as well as mass spectrometry analysis from biological fluids (eg. plasma, urine), cells and tissues that afford new insights into their biology.

Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Acharya, Binayak; Tofthagen, Marthe ; Maciej-Hulme, Marissa Lucy ; Suissa, Michal Rachel; Karlsson, Niclas (2024). Limited support for a direct connection between prebiotics and intestinal permeability – a systematic review. Glycoconjugate Journal.

Rustad, Cecilie F.; Backe, Paul Hoff; Jin, Chunsheng; Merckoll, Else; Tveten, Kristian; Maciej-Hulme, Marissa Lucy ; Karlsson, Niclas ; Prescott, Trine; Mørk Sandås, Elise; Woldseth, Berit; Elgstøen, Katja B. Prestø; Holla, Øystein Lunde (2024). A monoallelic UXS1 variant associated with short-limbed short stature. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine. Vol. 12.

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