Kort om
Jeg er førsteamanuensis i matematikk. Mine viktigste forskningsinteresser er kvantegrupper og ikke-kommutativ geometri.
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Matassa, Marco
; Yuncken, Robert
Crystal limits of compact semisimple quantum groups as higher-rank graph algebras.
48 s.
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik.
Vol. 2023.
Matassa, Marco
Quantum Riemannian geometry of quantum projective spaces.
31 s.
Journal of Geometry and Physics.
Vol. 179.
Matassa, Marco
Fubini-Study metrics and Levi-Civita connections on quantum projective spaces.
56 s.
Advances in Mathematics.
Vol. 393.
De Commer, Kenny;
Matassa, Marco
Quantum flag manifolds, quantum symmetric spaces and their associated universal K-matrices.
99 s.
Advances in Mathematics.
Vol. 366.
Matassa, Marco
Twisted Hochschild Homology of Quantum Flag Manifolds and Kähler Forms.
SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry.
Vol. 16.
Matassa, Marco
Twisted Hochschild Homology of Quantum Flag Manifolds: 2-Cycles from Invariant Projections.
Journal of Algebra and its Applications.
Matassa, Marco
Kahler structures on quantum irreducible flag manifolds.
Journal of Geometry and Physics.
Vol. 145.
Matassa, Marco
The Parthasarathy formula and a spectral triple for the quantum Lagrangian Grassmannian of rank two.
Letters in Mathematical Physics.
Matassa, Marco
; Yuncken, Robert
Regularity of twisted spectral triples and pseudodifferential calculi.
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry.
Vol. 13.
Matassa, Marco
On PBW-Deformations of Braided Exterior Algebras.
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras.