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Maria Bjerk

Maria Bjerk

Kort om

I mitt PhD prosjekt undersøkes hvordan et fallforebyggende treningsprogram påvirker helserelatert livskvalitet, redselen for å falle og fysiske mål. Programmet gjennomføres blant eldre med kommunale hjemmetjenester som har opplevd fall. Seks kommuner i Akershus deltar i prosjektet og over 150 eldre har blitt inkludert fra disse kommunene.

Før jeg ble stipendiat i 2015, har jeg jobbet flere år som fysioterapeut og leder for et tverrfaglig innsatsteam i kommunehelsetjenesten. I 2011-13 tok jeg en mastergrad i Neurological Rehabilitation ved University of Plymouth, UK.



Helsefag   Helsetjeneste- og helseadministrasjonsforskning   Fysioterapi   Nevrologi   Fysikalsk medisin og rehabilitering


Rehabilitering   Gerontologi   Forebyggende helsearbeid   Fysioterapi   Helserelatert livskvalitet   Kommunehelsetjenester   Implementeringsforskning   Aldring og helse   Hjemmetjenester   Fallforebygging   Implementering av evidensbaserte tiltak



Aktive forskningsprosjekter

Avsluttede forskningsprosjekter

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Linnerud, Siv; Bjerk, Maria ; Olsen, Nina Rydland; Taraldsen, Kristin ; Brovold, Therese ; Kvæl, Linda Aimee Hartford (2024). Managers’ perspectives on their role in implementing fall prevention interventions: a qualitative interview study in Norwegian homecare services. 11 s. Frontiers in Health Services. Vol. 4.

Linnerud, Siv; Kvæl, Linda Aimee Hartford ; Bjerk, Maria ; Taraldsen, Kristin ; Skelton, Dawn A.; Brovold, Therese (2024). Feasibility of an implementation strategy for preventing falls in homecare services. 14 s. Implementation Science Communications. Vol. 5.

Tingulstad, Alexander; Meneses Echavez, Jose Francisco; Holtet Evensen, Line; Bjerk, Maria ; Berg, Rigmor (2022). Effectiveness of work-related interventions for return to work in people on sick leave: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. 16 s. Systematic Reviews. Vol. 11.

Lærum-Onsager, Ellisiv ; Molin, Marianne ; Olsen, Cecilie Fromholt ; Bye, Asta ; Debesay, Jonas ; Hestevik, Christine Hillestad; Bjerk, Maria ; Pripp, Are Hugo (2021). Effect of nutritional and physical exercise intervention on hospital readmission for patients aged 65 or older: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. 14 s. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Vol. 18.

Cederbom, Sara; Bjerk, Maria ; Bergland, Astrid (2020). A qualitative study exploring physical therapists’ views on the Otago Exercise Programme for fall prevention: a stepping stone to “age in place” and to give faith in the future. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice.

Cederbom, Sara; Bjerk, Maria ; Bergland, Astrid (2020). The tensions between micro-, meso- and macro-levels: physiotherapists’ views of their role towards fall prevention in the community – a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research. Vol. 20.

Bjerk, Maria ; Brovold, Therese ; Davis, Jennifer C; Bergland, Astrid (2019). Evaluating a falls prevention intervention in older home care recipients: a comparison of SF-6D and EQ-5D. 9 s. Quality of Life Research.

Bjerk, Maria ; Brovold, Therese ; Davis, Jennifer C; Skelton, Dawn A; Bergland, Astrid (2019). Health-related quality of life in home care recipients after a falls prevention intervention: a 6-month follow-up. 6 s. European Journal of Public Health.

Bjerk, Maria ; Brovold, Therese ; Skelton, Dawn A; Liu-Ambrose, Teresa; Bergland, Astrid (2019). Effects of a falls prevention exercise programme on health-related quality of life in older home care recipients: a randomised controlled trial. 7 s. Age and Ageing. Vol. 48.

Pallesen, Hanne; Bjerk, Maria ; Roer Pedersen, Asger; Feldbæk Nielsen, Jørgen; Evald, Lars (2019). The Effects of High-Intensity Aerobic Exercise on Cognitive Performance After Stroke: A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial. 9 s. Journal of central nervous system disease. Vol. 11.

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