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Mulatu Alemayehu Moges

Mulatu Alemayehu Moges

Kort om

Mulatu Alemayehu Moges is an Associate Professor of Journalism and Communication at the Department of Journalism and Media Studies at Oslomet University, Norway. He joined Oslomet in August 2023. He is part of the project entitled Decoding Digital Media in Africa Conflict (DDMAC) which is funded by the Norwegian Research Council. He did his PhD in Media and Communication at the University of Oslo in 2017. His project focused on media and internal conflict in Ethiopia. His MA is from Addis Ababa University, Journalism and Communication, where has been serving as an assistant professor from 2008- 2023. At this university, he offered various journalism and communication courses for both undergraduate and postgraduate programs and supervised and examined MA and PhD students both at Addis Ababa University and other universities in the country.

Mulatu has an extensive understanding of Ethiopian media. He has been a media practitioner for ten years. He has been researching the Ethiopian media specifically the media landscape, freedom of expression and the press, the safety of journalists, media plurality and diversity, conflict-sensitive reporting, gender and gender-based violence and media and ethnicity and media and religion, media and election, reports, and others. And, he has published several articles on these and other issues. He has been presenting his research outputs at national and international conferences, seminars, and workshops. He has also been supporting the Ethiopian media by facilitating several training workshops on various themes.  He has been running many research and capacity-building projects.

Regarding coordinating the program, Mulatu has good leadership and coordination skills. He was a PhD program Coordinator (2019-2021) and an Assistant Dean (2011-2013) at the School of Journalism and Communication in Addis Ababa for different periods. He was a coordinator for the NORPART program (2016-2023), a capacity program initiative that supports Ethiopian higher education capability.

Mulatu has also worked as a consultant for local and international organizations. His research interest is the political economy of the media, freedom of expression, the safety of journalists, peace journalism, conflict-sensitive reporting, ethnicity, religion, election, hate speech, Mis/disinformation, social media and gender.

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Orgeret, Kristin ; Moges, Mulatu Alemayehu ; Badji, Samba Dialimpa ; de Bruijn, Mirjam; Mutsvairo, Bruce; Schröder, Daniel Thilo; Langguth, Johannes; Bruls, Luca; Cisse, Modibo Galy (2025). “Aren’t we all journalists?” Citizen journalism, disinformation and the weaponization of social media in conflict torn Mali. Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism.

Moges, Mulatu Alemayehu (2024). Freedom of the Press, and Journalism Practices in Times of Uncertainty in the Case of Ethiopia. Journalism Practice.

Wassie, Dessalegn Yeshambel; Moges, Mulatu Alemayehu ; Nigatu, Biset Ayalew (2024). The vexed question of Ethiopian identity-driven politics and the discourse of political communication in the digital media sphere. Cogent Arts & Humanities.

Kebede, Abera Yenework; Ali, Adem Chanie; Moges, Mulatu Alemayehu (2024). Contemporary Contested Ethiopian Media Practice and Its Influence on Journalists’ Autonomy and Role. 28 s. Journalism Practice.

Moges, Mulatu Alemayehu ; Dessie, Behailu Atinafu; Ali, Adem Chanie (2023). Towards ethno-political advocacy: Ethiopian journalists’ professional role perceptions in post- EPRDF interregnum. 14 s. Cogent Arts & Humanities. Vol. 10.

Schroeder, Daniel Thilo ; de Bruijn, Mirjam; Bruls, Luca; Moges, Mulatu Alemayehu ; Badji, Samba Dialimpa ; Fritz, Noémie; Cisse, Modibo Galy; Langguth, Johannes; Mutsvairo, Bruce; Orgeret, Kristin Skare (2023). Social media in the Global South: A Network Dataset of the Malian Twittersphere. Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities.

Schroeder,, Daniel Thilo; de Bruijn, Mirjam; Moges, Mulatu Alemayehu ; Bruls, Luca; Badji, Samba Dialimpa; Langguth, Johannes; Mutsvairo, Bruce; Orgeret, Kristin (2023). Social Media in the Global South: A Network Dataset of the Malian Twittersphere. Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities.

Moges, Mulatu Alemayehu ; Kebede, Abera Yenework; Ali, Adem Chanie (2022). Examining journalists organizational trust pursuant to predictive variables in the Ethiopian media industry: The case study of Amhara Media Corporation. Cogent Social Sciences.

Dessie, Behailu Atenafu; Ali, Adem Chanie; Moges, Mulatu Alemayehu (2022). Ethnic Orientation over Ethical Underpinnings: EmergingTrends of the Ethiopian Media Landscape. 18 s. Journalism Practice. Vol. 17.

Moges, Mulatu Alemayehu (2021). Ethiopian Media: Journalists Trends of Using Sources in Reporting Stories. Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications.

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